Jared Kushner: “Listen, from one Crown Prince to another....”
Jared Kushner: “Listen, from one Crown Prince to another....”
“Release the hounds.”
Carl IS the truth.
It’s not a lie if you believe it.
What did I just read?
Sweet Sweet Solitude.
Is all of this really happening on Twitter?
Let me know.
I’ll say this, movie Civil War was a hell of a lot better than either comics Civil War.
Ford Centaur.
Great President, or Greatest President?
(whispers) ‘miss you Carl!’
Ok, slightly off topic, but after I braise my chicken thighs, and I’m about to put it on to my pasta, and mix in my alfredo, I’ve been stirring the chicken broth in to the sauce, and now it’s something completely different. Is there a name for this?
The Satanists are chill. Don’t stress about them too much.
So now who’s the ‘Cute One’? Stephen Miller?
But where I do go to find crotch-less sequined leggins?
Dark Web.
33% of Democrats thinking that we should teach a ‘color-blind’ or ‘objective’ history sounds about right. I’m not saying it’s right, by any means, but I see a lot of my well-meaning friends who would absolutely insist that Slavery/Jim Crow/Civil Rights/etc. be fully explored, and sound very reasonable, but would be…
That Snake thing explains a lot at Conservatives.