
I have a fairly misguided friend who showed me this and said “and liberals are all upset cause ‘cosby has feelings too’”. Yeah buddy, that’s why this is offensive. He’s young, I’m teaching him slowly, I promise.

So like, a good month and a half gap?

“They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me.”

I’ve had a semi-recurring dream where there’s been a horrible apocalypse, like NY state is a crater. And I volunteer to help, but they stick me in a corner office, over looking the devestation, doing bureaucratic paper work for twenty years. And it’s legit the best way I can help. But it’s excruciatingly boring.

I’ve think I’ve met one of these dudes. I refused to serve him, and he just kinda drifted away.... “Is this even real life....?” Yes, bro, it is. One of my favorite moments of that job.

As a cashier at a gas station/liquor store, I have to inform you that your image is all wrong. The most popular drink is Fireball nips. As in “Can I have a sleeve of ten Fireball Nips”. Just why? WHY?

Offer a constructive criticism?

I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description, and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it

Obviously, the language use is horrible. But this is a very good look. The curlier the better. So... 20/80 on this?

When it finished I think I made the same cackle he did.

Knocked out, or had my arm destroyed?

Kings of Leon’s downward spiral became so understandable when I heard they’d toured with U2. Stadium-rock nonesense.

Note the lack of stars.

So, I’m roasting a chicken tonight, and figured I’d keep around the scraps and try this tomorrow — what about the giblets? Ok, neck yes. The other bits? Is that liver, or a heart? Use them?

I soak. In sea water, cause I’m 500 feet from the beach. Adds moisture and salt. But I don’t boil.

Wait, is this his Undergrad? Of course it’ll be there when he gets back. I mean, I can see not wanting to piss off my Graduate adviser in the middle of my thesis, but if this is just leaving off a few credits in classes they run every year? What’s the problem.

Ok, full props to Pearson, but can I add how pleased I am that the show moved past the photographic memory bit? I had no expectations for this show, thought it would be a weekly procedural of his random talent (like that cop show last year, I forget it's name, but it actually had a fun chemistry between the two

first off<i*m sorry but my capslock is broken> i feel like an idiot< but i have to be part of this conversation

Thank you. I was scrolling the comments hoping that set off anyone else's alarm bells!