
Plus I'm all like, don't tell me how to feel! YOU DON'T KNOW ME.

I think it's time to remove the internet clickbait title "You'll [flip / be amazed/ be hocked/ never sleep again / become irrationally afraid of urine] when you see [this] !" Because it's fucking annoying. Can't we just say "Hey guys! This is actually really cool."

No, it's just a REALLY good will suck in space and time as well as your waistline.

I feel like I remember hearing somewhere that "50 Shades of Grey" got Random House into the black for the first time in years. I say bring on all the shitty books you can fill an airport book display with, if it means better writers can still get paid.

Because, despite looking like it came from Hot Topic, I'm sure it cost $3,000.

I read this as "Carrie Underwood" and I'm like, Carrie, honey, WTF happened to you? Why are you saying these things?

Did you even read the article?! Jeez, this comment is so callous i'm actually kind of speechless.

The fact that her having or not having implants are a major source of conversation speaks greatly of the importance people place on body types.

Not only are you missing the point, but the beauty standard you are referring to is not hegemonic. As someone who is attracted to women, I think she is really cute - lovely face, charming, and something about her confidence is pretty sexy. While I'm sure there are plenty of people who wouldn't find her attractive, I'd

Serious question—are you a teenager? You seem to comprehend the point of this story as much as I might have, if I came across it before I got some life experience or shame.

Cancelled Valentine's day with my fiance to watch House of Cards. Netflix knows what's up.

The House of Cards twitter account is trolling actual politicians. It's kind awesome.

How is this not a sponsored article?

She went from a meaty 260 pounds to 105 pounds.

When my boyfriend gets sushi without me it's worse than this. :P

Exactly. How much was I supposed to save working at KFC? I made 5.50/hr and worked 15 hours a week. Ohh watch out! That $300/month is really going to put a dent in my student loans!

Kids shouldn't have to go into debt to pay for college to begin with. Saving for college so you're 35K in debt instead of 40? Meh. I'd rather have these sweet shoes now.

Kids today - it's like their pre-frontal cortexes aren't even fully developed yet!

Why?! Why in fuck's name? Why?

I blocked my drama causing sister 4 years ago when she sent me a friend request. I swear every time I saw her for 2 years I pretended to have no idea what she was talking about: "Grammy can see your facebook. You must have me blocked. Why when I call does it go straight to voice mail?"

No idea what you're talking