
Where ever you land on the "you get what you deserve/paid for" spectrum what sucks is these are, again, the people that can probably least afford to have this happen. I was lucky to have parents who paid for my wedding and a beautiful dress.

But the merchant was a very important person. He sold monogramed thermos clay jugs.

I can spell "quesadilla" properly right up until I pass out.

I somehow got chicken soup for the soul strength

Is that where the name comes from? And you've confirmed my belief on trampolines being evil.

Let's be honest here: you ain't buyin' these to "swim" in them. These are showpieces.

I know that this kind of vigilante justice is another aspect of rape culture, but damned if it isn't satisfying.

It would take a little foresight to know that would work though.

I rilly hope the mother is going to be the one to teach their daughter how to remove a tampon.

Haha, I know right? I feel like her quitting story kind of trumps mine. She brought a multi million dollar company to its knees with a shredder in 2 hours on the job.

Gah! My phone and the typing and the Kinja....I thought I published my dang story.

Kumail should be on tweet beat and also every TV channel always.

I had no idea until just now that there was a difference...

but it is creepy, still. And he's a little racist.

I don't know, I can't help really liking her.

Thanks for that! I feel better. I've totally locked everything down pretty much, even my friends are hidden to each other, but you never know.

This one time at band camp we contacted a spirit from the beyond....

Hangs @ Pats Pizza....Windham.