
I actually came down to the comments thread to say something like this, or at least related to it. Just browsing Kotaku’s front page is like seeing how angry you should be about this and that. “People are arguing about Pokemon visuals.” “Critical Role essentially has the same cast it always does...” “The Inventory

PERFECT assessment. 10/10

You see by putting in that proviso they get to sweep that interpretation of their article to the side as illegitimate. I don’t make the rules, but that’s how they work.  This allows them to then proceed to engage in the overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation, because at the end of the day that’s much easier than

In the really is just Dungeons and Dragons.  It has inspirations from other cultures...sure.  It also has dragons and talking robots and people who can shoot fire from their hands.  Why doesn’t the author make the same complaint of Wizards of the Coast themselves?

So....a solution? Sounds like you don’t want them to explore these cultural identifiers and the explorer-genre tropes. Should half the cast be fired and people you find “approved” be playing this game?

A lot of people make the same argument for the Pro-Life movement. After all, how could you not be for “Life?”

Exactly this. Theres nothing wrong with standing up for equal rights buts SJW’s are just condescending pieces of shit. Seriously they get offended by just about everything.

You clearly dont know what SJW actually means.

That was some Grade-A virtue signalling in your post there, man. Took a lot of courage to really trumpet just how wonderful and empathetic you are to everyone who will read it.

“performative outrage”

SJW is just a term used to described the sanctimonious, self-righteous, moralizing jackasses who use these social issues simply as an means to seek attention or an opportunity to condescend to people.

Ah, here you see a classic SJW. While most assume that an SJW is defined by their hyper-focus on identity politics, many often forget that it is their excess aggression against differing opinions that truly makes them what they are. This particular specimen assumes a worldview where anyone who does not hold to his

Thank goodness our long national nightmare is finally behind us.

Huh? You could always have same-sex relationships in the sims.

Pot. Kettle. Kettle. Pot.

You people really need new material.

Does it matter whether a death threat was real or not?

You think an actual credible real threat against your life is the same as Bossman222 from hicktown, USA saying he’s going go kill you. I guess I’m just use to hearing shit from internet people, and it’s just blah blah blah to me.

I think a lot of people get threats over the slightest thing on twitter. How many of those threats do you think were actually credible?

Any time I look at it it’s either going too fast to follow or it’s just memes and emotes. What on earth is there to say or do in the middle of all that?