This is a blast from the past... I had this one on the 3DO. They were giving out a free signed copy in the goody bag from the first E3 I went to. I remember liking it.
This is a blast from the past... I had this one on the 3DO. They were giving out a free signed copy in the goody bag from the first E3 I went to. I remember liking it.
I have no problem with this. Keeping other choices and adding a new one just allows for more choice. Customization without restraint in a game is a good thing. Taking away choice is bad.
Nope. GGers are cool with more choices. It’s the taking away of things, and arbitrary censorship that raises cockles.…
Well, let’s do the math. How many times has Jason been killed / died? Sarkeesian? Wu? Or any of the game devs? If you answered “none”, then you are correct.
Spoken like someone that’s never read the real name forums of some news outlets.
He’s not wrong, he’s just bad at communicating his message.
And, this is exactly why Kotaku / Kinja needs a downvote button.
The “teach MEN not to rape thing” is wrong because it starts off with the assumption of ALL men being potential rapists. For instance, considering that women are far more likely to kill their children than men, why isn’t there a movement to “teach WOMEN not to kill kids”? The number of men that actually do commit rape…
Her thing wasn’t just loli crap, she was defending it in real world situations as well.…
I may be a nerd, but no way in hell am I going to put nerds on a pedestal like that op-ed did. Nerds can be thoughtful, well-reasoned, and compassionate, and they can also be incredibly petty, vengeful, and obsessive. Let’s not forget that the whole Allison Rapp thing probably wouldn’t have happened if some nerds…
As always, I’ll need citations. I’ve definitely seen it from the SJW side, and have posted examples of such in this thread.
You asked what my problems with 3rd Wave Feminism are, and I showed you what they are through that guy’s article. Did he get stuck on a very minor point (getting blocked by a Jezebel writer)? Yeah, definitely. But, did he outline some of the major problems with 3rd wavers? Yeah, I think he made good points that I…
Someone wrote a decent piece on Medium about my problems with 3rd Wave Feminism. The long and short of it is that without 3rd Wave, we wouldn’t be in the middle of a culture war:
You won’t see me on the thread about Disney lines. And, the amount of lines that women get in films. It’s not an issue I care deeply about. Remember, there are quite a few people in GG for different reasons. That is the indication of a slow news day. If you want to search KiA for specific things, like Ethics, there is…
Thanks for catching the Godwin, though, it wasn’t meant as an attack, just an example of how interpretations are just as, if not more important than, the writing itself.
That argument’s been made... several times. Doesn’t work. Here’s how it went down:
It depends. Some people read Mein Kampf and think, “Hmmm... Hitler had a lot of good points, I should look into this Fascism thing, and shut down all opposing viewpoints.” And, other people will think, “Hitler is off his fucking rocker, I’m going to go to the pub, have a pint, and wait for this thing to all blow…
It comes in waves. For instance, many ethics policies were put into place after GG started. The Escapist, IGN, and even Kotaku. For instance, look back on Kotaku articles before August 2014 for any disclosures about relationships between the writers and the people that they’re reporting on / kvelling about. You’re…
Tell me, when was the first time you heard the word, “cis”. And, since you first heard it, have you heard it more or less in the last 5 years? Same with “gendered”. The reason that these words have become so much more common, and used, sometimes as slurs (kind of like “breeders” was back in the Riot Grrl days) is…