
Well written article, Jason. I worked in QA for two years. The first company did a lot of ports for Macs or from PC to Console, and the second company was AAA. There was a HUGE difference in treatment between the two companies. The first company kept almost all QA completely separated from everyone else. The QA leads

I’m not surprised, close-mindedness, and tunnel vision constitute the diseased mind of a Social Justice Warrior.

Hey Stephen, I’m pro-GG and I thought you did a good job on your interview with Vavra. Thanks for that, it’s better fare than we normally get.

We’re not boycotting in the way you think we are. We’re archiving all relevant articles. A few of us, after turning on adblock, jump into the discussion on occasion. And, then, we don’t call you an asshole, we just make our points and move on.

You do realize that most of GamerGate skews left, don’t you. Left, but anti-Authoritarian. SJW’s are to the left what the Tea Party is to the right. Extremists.

The audaciousness of that guy! How dare he ask for a straightforward review! To the pitchforks! :::rabble rabble rabble:::: /s

Looks like you have an opinion, good for you. :)

“Much like many other institutions or organizations in America, GG started off as something different. It only takes a few turds to spoil the punch. Add a few thousand more turds, and you got a Shit Tsunami.”

There’s a deep seated problem with the entire Gawker network. Though, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Kotaku, The Escapist, Gamespot, and several other gaming blogs have instituted ethics policies since the advent of #Gamergate. Some to better effect than others, but little steps in the right direction. I haven’t

Sometimes it’s nice to walk into a Starbucks, take up a table, and use the wifi for a while without buying anything. :)

I support #Gamergate, and I loved the movie. Also, MRA’s didn’t have a problem with it, red pillers did. is a red pill/anti-MRA site (note all of the alpha male bullshit )

10 year old mod for GTA3 and GTA:Vice City. Patricia is just the worst. Seriously, don’t ever take information from her, she can’t do anything right. Why she hasn’t been let go is beyond me.

Of course it’s Patricia. When not giving her friends glowing write ups, she’s screwing over mod makers by not actually using the power of literacy to her advantage. Is there anything she CAN do right?

I was with you right up until you suggested Patricia Hernandez as a viable replacement (as a if a replacement for AK is necessary in any way).

You should really try to stay away from the word "literally", it's a huge tip off for your bias.

He has a problem with the individuals that harass people, not GG. So, no. GG has the same problem with those people, and have been actively reporting them for 3 months now.