"Innocent until proven guilty". The benefit of doubt should always be on the accused until they are proven guilty. We don't start with "guilty" and then work backwards. If there's been a sea change, then it's a horrible idea.
"Innocent until proven guilty". The benefit of doubt should always be on the accused until they are proven guilty. We don't start with "guilty" and then work backwards. If there's been a sea change, then it's a horrible idea.
It's definitely a possibility. But, it's not quite as cut and dry as it been made out to be. As I said, I'll withhold judgment until I see a police report.
I have a strong feeling that had I linked to a feminist blog, you wouldn't have batted an eye. But, I didn't say that she'd created phony police reports, I said that she'd played the victim to increase her income. The kickstarter itself was evidence of this. Look at what she made before that dumbass made that stupid…
Yeah, no argument here.
Here's some stuff about Anita:
"They did respond to it - they said they investigated and found no evidence that she had slept her way to positive reviews at kotaku."
This is her Modus Operandi, man. If it was just some random, I'd be more inclined to believe her at face value, but Anita has done this before.
I think that there's no point in conversation right now. It will be buried under name calling and defensiveness on both sides. So, we should let it cool before going back to actually attacking the actual issue so we don't get caught up in attacking each other.
Yes, she's in full on victim mode. I know that she claims to have called the police, but I haven't seen a police report. I've seen her claim to have contacted them, but no evidence to back that claim. So, I won't make a judgment call on that until I see it verified. But, I have seen her play the victim roll before to…
Does it go the other way, though. Were you completely silent on ZQ thing along with most of your site? What was your opinion when Max Temkin was accused of sexual assault and then ravaged with threats online? From what I've read of yours, silence. Complete silence. That's bias. Of course you'd be against online…
As I said in another post, I'm letting this one blow over for now. DocSeuss is correct, we can't talk about the actual issue if we disagree since Anita is in full on victim mode. The issue will be about the trolling, and not about the areas in which she falls short. But, I can appreciate that you don't like being…
Retorts someone that uses the non-term 'misogyny' .
We know, it shows in the bias.
Saying something is false doesn't actually make it false without backing the accusation up with facts.
Yeah, I'm with you, man. I'll just let this one blow over, because it really doesn't matter. If any of those threats towards her become the real deal (meaning, someone acts on them), then there will never be any forum for reasonable debate. It will always be brought up as if she were a martyr for a cause. So, for two…
I'm very aware of Christians' world view. And, that is why I actively disassociate with it. Let's take your example. The God of War series is based on the Greek Pantheon. The lead character blames all of the gods in that Pantheon for killing his wife and offspring. Then he goes and kills them. I can get behind that,…
As a father, this is an incredibly tough subject to think about, and my deepest sympathies go out to Ryan. That kind of loss is unfathomable.
Also, let's say that your percentage of false accusations are completely on the mark (HIGHLY unlikely, but this is a hypothetical). Here's a US Census data from 2013:
Thanks for the even-keeled reply, Stephen (despite your defense of Patricia's obvious bias).