I definitely concede that point.
I definitely concede that point.
I completely agree.
If they were up against other game companies, they'd definitely be a forerunner. I think that the final four would have been Ubisoft (Always on connection for everything), Activision (for most of the same things that EA does), Rockstar (Insanely bad working conditions), and Sony (for the way they handled being…
Thanks for making my point, Jason. It boggles the fucking mind when you really take a look at it.
Paypal has been blocking payments to charities that they don't agree with, and accounts of independent sellers randomly.
Losing a job is different than being screwed out of your home by a robo-signed foreclosure notice on a home that you've already paid off, and didn't even have a loan through the bank that's foreclosing on you.
Double-edged sword of Democracy. These people get real votes too.
I don't know, there are some worse video game companies. Take a look at Rockstar and Activision's track records as well.
I've read those. I know Paul Tassi, cool guy. It has nothing to do with EA being the "worst" company in relation to BofA, though.
Spamming is an unattractive trait of a star commenter. Regardless of any petty thing EA does, and regardless of BofA being infamous, this proves nothing except for the inability for (the poll voting) gamers to have a sense of scale and reality. Spoiled entitlement for a facet of entertainment is no excuse for ignoring…
Hey Kotaku, could you please ping Tony Danza for spamming? Thank you.
I agree wholeheartedly.
Would you rather have a house or a game? Or if it were Halliburton... would you rather have a private army killing people that aren't our enemies, or a game. Or, if it were Phillip Morris, would you rather have 1000's of people dying from lung cancer or a game. Perspective man, I know that you see what I'm saying. EA…
Yeah, EA is right on this one. It's absurd, considering that they beat out BofA. EA hasn't cost anyone their home.
That sounds delicious. :)
Here's the way I look at it. I like cookies and pringles. Technically, they can be called food, but neither of them are really that good for me, sustaining, or filling. That's the way I look at Tablet or Phone gaming (I personally use android... I have a Xoom and an Android phone, but same difference as far as gaming…
If you've got a nail, and a hammer to get that nail to into wood, why would you go find an iron to do it instead? Attractiveness is a tool that she has, why shouldn't she use it for what it's for, to get acting jobs? What she's doing now, though, is all her. She's starting these projects, because she loves the subject…
It's a little bit of both. But, I don't mock Felicia Day. She's trying to make a living doing something she honestly loves doing. Good on her. Olivia Munn on the other hand.... nice to look at and mock.
She's a decent actress, cute, and funny. And, she seems interested in the things that she says she's interested in. Why should I dislike her?
I don't game with it much, but I really enjoy the voice controls for navigating the Xbox menus and Netflix. It's worth it for that alone, especially when I'm dealing with a handful of squirmy baby.