
"Man" here being substituted as a pormanteau of "Mets" and "fan"; I think we can all agree, being a Mets fan as nothing to do with manliness

Don't you guys get it?! Suey Park is just trying to subvert stereotypes about Asian-Americans being hard-working and intelligent by being too stupid and lazy to fact check a tweet.

"Filed Under: Furries"

What you're talking about isn't least not how people I know describe it. Clickbait (or linkbait as we call it) is "President Obama tries to buy a dog...YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT" That shit isn't a headline, it's a total scam for clicks. A proper headline would list what happened next, and

Your writing style is so douchey, dickish, and disrespectful that if I agreed with you you'd convince me not to

Through much of this article my brain had automatically translated "Porsche LeMans Racer" into "Pontiac LeMans Racer" and I was mightily confused as to what was going on

Talk about burying the lede!

This article: "It's a tire, with a groove in it that does all the same things other tire grooves do. Grooves in tires are good at things. Grooves grooves.

Oh also there's two chambers valved so that the tire can still run if one is punctured. KTHXBYE"

(not hating, just being silly)

Subtle. +1

Dear Everybody referencing stats and size in defending Sam's slip down the draft board:

I understand the instinct to do this. But think about it: his stats and physical info aren't what came out a few days ago. NFL scouts and pundits KNEW that he was undersized/a position switch candidate/that his sacks were inflated

Oh my God Sport Compact Car though....


I'm simultaneously laughing and crying. be fair, when I read "#1 in stop signs" in the third sentence on wikipedia, I stopped reading.

Being from Illinois, I googled Itasca to see if it is known for anything except having that STi.

Oh wow.

+1 I applaud your bravery, sir.


Every person who comments that the title should read "hard one" instead of "hard on" should be banned from Deadspin for a month.

You idiot. +1

+1 winter coming

Well, Tim Howard and the defense

God yes. +1