
The first 10 minutes are pretty much what you want. Before it brings up the Integra Type-R

Or is this one of those "I can't act like an asshole in this car and ruin it for other people so it must suck" situations?

Bike is a nickname for bicycle, not a shortening of the word like mic is for microphone. Bike is to bicycle as Yeezus is to Kanye West, mic is to microphone as Will is to William

(or if you remember this section on your SATs)

Bike:Bicycle::Yeezus:Kanye West & Mic:Microphone::Will:William

But in all seriousness, he just bought this from an autoxer and he's turning it into a rallycross car for next Philly/DC region season. I've been told that the car is parked now because it's "an electrical fire waiting to happen" for "many reasons, most notably [the] 'battery relocation', which involves...40 ft of

Here's where the old C-prepared Autocross slicks ended up

Because the Cowboys' game wasn't close until Romo started doing that

Oh wow +1

All in favor of adding downvotes to deadspin just for this comment?

Hanging out with Sean R must be painful.

...Don't wear the wrong kind of shirt outside

Rapunzel, but +1 regardless

Doesn't the fact that his head stayed where it was and his neck stretched like that indicate very clearly that he WASN'T hit in the head or neck? I can't be the only one thinking this, right?

Very fair. I think this gen is unquestionably better, it's just the scale of the price increase I find ridiculous. But you make solid points.

SOME of us prefer Die Sportwagens!

I think 'look at it' is where most people take issue. It's no Gary Busey, but it's certainly the Ugly Duckling of BMWs

I generally don't totally disagree. BUT...

These are the coolest fucking jerseys I've ever seen. If I was a fan of another team, I'd be pissed that it was NU who was getting them. Plus NU football's been working with Wounded Warriors for a while now.

But then again, I like the Maryland maybe something's just broken inside me

I drive a BMW...still +1.

That all sounds pretty funny to me. Are you sure you get it?

Now playing

Oops my bad. Aussie rules is great - my vote for most badass sport on earth. Plus, how has deadspin not done an extensive story on the greatest referee gesture in the history of sports?