
Yay! I saw that blur over it after posting it and thought, well, no one's seeing this! Haha!

Could NOT agree more with you! We all know Columbus didn't really "discover" this country. It's just another lie we tell our children, except it's also got the added bonus of being shockingly insensitive. WHY ARE WE STILL CELEBRATING IT? It's humiliating and disrespectful on so many levels.

Agreed. Laugh tracks make me really uncomfortable. I just picture the actors pausing for fake laughter, and my imagination goes crazy.

Thank you so much. I figured I wouldn't get seen in the greys, and really want lots of opinions. Baby steps, I guess. :)

People, I have a question that I'm hoping to get feedback on, and this story's spirit pertains to it. Bear with me here...

That's a REALLY good point. I never thought of it that way, but, terribly, that does make me feel better.

Jesus, I want so badly to believe there is actually be a terrible afterlife for sick people like that. I'm SO sorry you had to see that. :(

That must be it, then! You can only dismiss from a computer. I guess that does it for me, then. I almost never use an actual computer.

I was just going to ask the same about the dismissal button. I'm in the greys, if that has anything to do with it.

The death camps are already a reality, sheeple!

Agree wholeheartedly with the eye rolls regarding her chat with God, AND that it's still a great and noble thing she's doing.

I wish religious faith inspired THIS sort of behavior more often.

You just DID tell a (mostly) straight girl! Thank you so much for such an insightful response! It seems so obvious, now that you point it out, and I feel kind of silly for missing it. :-/

All the eyeroll gifs to every tweet made by Willow and Jayden Smith. All. Of. Them.

Does anyone else have enormous difficulty watching things where someone is doing something embarrassing? You know, like the untalented American Idol auditions (not a show I watch; just an example) they air, just to be funny? I watch scenes like that the way some people watch horror movies: with my hands covering my

How does a fucking turdly comment like yours have 7 stars??! God forbid we celebrate a woman without also discussing her looks!

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I've found it harder to get into the show once it switched to Lifetime. I was obsessed with it when it was on Bravo, and could watch old reruns for hours. It's difficult to even pinpoint what's different, but it just IS somehow.

But...but...your avatar is someone playing dress up! that the Walt Disney autograph font on the box?