
I remember being so excited when I came across this book in a used book store. As a rule, I always read the first page or two before deciding to buy, so I cracked it open even though I was certain I’d enjoy it. The first sentence reads, “The sweat wis lashing ofay Sick Boy.” I flipped through the pages, stopping at

Yes, because Giz, Sploid, and Deadspin are the bastions of gender equality under the Gawker Media brand.

I have used android for everything for such a long time that I am pretty rusty to all things Windows. I just upgraded yesterday, and I’m struggling to customize it. I have right-clicked to unpin apps like Twitter and Cortana, but they don’t remove when I do so. When I right-click again to see what options I have, it

OMG OMG OMG, eat at the Henry VIII Carvery in Kittery! It’s almost an hour from Portland, but it has LIFE CHANGING sandwiches. I can’t stop thinking about the one I had there like 6 years ago. It was the Court Jester: warm roast beef smothered in a mushroom, onion, thyme and sherry wine gravy on their garlic buttered

The $3 Essential Anatomy app in the Google Play Store is showing up as $10.

The $3 Essential Anatomy app in the Google Play Store is showing up as $10.

I worked in a call center, in the billing department for AT&T’s ConnecTech service, which was basically their optional service for computer support. Customers who passed a line test (meaning their computer was the reason that couldn’t access the internet, and not their signal from ATT) were just transferred to us,

You have made several very good points about the difference between being a picky eater and simply not liking something.

Bless you for having a happy ending to that <3 Hannibal Lector is my soulmate; we both agree that discourtesy should be answered with BLOOD. Gah! Fuck customer service!

As an introvert, I have a pet theory.

I don't know if this makes sense, but your celebrity story is so consistent with how I imagine you to be. Goddamn it, I adore you!

Seeing comment threads like that is like facing a dementor (sorry, but I'm an HP fan for life!). I'm overcome with sadness, and feel completely drained of hope.

The hairy doll raises many questions.

I've been dying to see this since it was recommended months ago on io9! Would you say you're generally a huge fan of horror, meaning this movie is *especially* scary? I'm a huge horror fan and always looking for movies that can deliver without being cheesy or overplayed.

This perfect girl is the reason I haven't been able to leave my boyfriend yet. She has seizures, can't retract her claws, and the vet says she has the teeth of a kitty twice her age, but I would take a bullet for this tiny baby any day of the week.

@llamanun: First let me say how sorry I am to hear about what happened to you. Your post started off so hilarious that the boys cornering you caught me completely off guard; not your typical BCO twist! :-/

That's very true. I think I lucked out having a short exchange with my troll. I'm case it's unclear, I definitely don't judge your reaction; just curious if there's some unspoken etiquette I'm unfamiliar with, and figured I'd ask. :)

Jesus, GarshDarnit is horrible! What a little shit cherry on a shit sundae of a week.

It's very important to my boyfriend that we watch TMZ Live every weekday. Much of the time the quality of stories is hard to watch, but I've taken to paying attention to their office politics. When you think about it, there aren't really a lot of shows that give you that kind of opportunity.

bitchagainsthumanity is completely correct; I can attest from personal experience.