
“Compassionate conservative”

She’s a single mother because she’s divorcing your revolting, child-molesting ass, Jared. Even if you didn’t see a day behind bars.

My mother had a boyfriend who knew how many days until my 17th birthday starting when I was 14, and referred to the age of consent as “ripening.” As an adult, I have huge red flags to that shit. Say that anywhere near my kid and I will end you.

“Delicate spouse abuser”

“There’s no evidence I know that he molested a child... 16- or 17-year-olds are not pre-pubertal children.”

In trial, Fogle reportedly sobbed as he recounted how he’d hurt his family and his wife, who would be a single mother should he go to prison.

Oh thank God he’s only attracted to 14 yo’s instead of 5 yo’s! Are you kidding me? I know some 14 yo girls, they look like children playing dress-up. They believe too easily, they’re terribly immature.

“I feel like this does kind of encourage the use of these incredibly dangerous, super harmful drugs.”

Saying that almost makes me feel like those asshats who are against giving condoms to kids, saying that promotes them having sex, but still...

Yeah, I see that. And the comparison is kind of interesting in a, “I wonder what political stuff happened to make this the motion that went forward first, since they are both so taboo” kind of way.

They’re in the same sphere of issues... but, and I am tired and having trouble articulating this how I want to, I am also

I kind of don’t like this title being all “abortion still illegal tho!!” - they’re not really connected issues. I mean it’s worth pointing out that Ireland still has shitty abortion laws, point that out whenever! But being all “oh so I can do all the drugs I want but try to make a choice about my uterus and noooo”

The stupidity of this comment is actually amazing.

Any chance we can swap the position of the Android and iOS deals? Not only is Android at, like, 80% market share, but the iOS deals are usually a long list of mediocre apps.

Any chance we can swap the position of the Android and iOS deals? Not only is Android at, like, 80% market share,

Peppers are the fucking WORST. And they contaminate everything they touch with Pepper Taste and it’s horrible. Down with peppers.

I don’t believe anyone has the temperament to work with the public. Some people are just better at suppressing their anger. I worked with a lady at the grocery store who was absolutely the best grocery cashier you’d ever seen. Fast as a bullet, super nice to everyone. Remembered every customers name and every detail

I’m gonna go ahead & salute you, even w/tho everyone else thinks you’re an absolute piece of shit for saying what you said in front of the kids. Maybe (& this is a big maybe) its high time those kids learn that their mother ain’t shit.

So much hate for this, but its honestly what everyone is thinking every second of customer service or retail work. Humans are so shitty at putting themselves in other’s shoes, they cant sympathize with you right after an article about how shitty your job is.

She should be jailed for contempt.

I agree completely. This has nothing to do with religious freedom. It’s an essential function of her job. If you’re morally opposed to putting people in prison, so you let the inmates walk free, you don’t get to be a prison guard. She doesn't have a right to work there.

I am so fucking sick of these government hatin’ conservatives that hog government jobs. Off to the private sector with you, ya cretins!