
Everything about this is the worst. “Bespoke fireplace in the parlour.” JFC.

TLDR: “Rich person has beautiful home”. Show me a tour of a one-bedroom apartment that someone has managed to keep organized and beautiful, while using Target and IKEA furniture. That’s information I can use.

Hot take: Her dress, shoes, and hair are objectively terrible.

I live near the ocean. Someone was towing his boat with the mast down, and not flagged properly. Boat owner continued his bad choices by parking in a bus zone. The bus pulls up and crack...boat mast goes through front window. The trolley vs. plane incident: The train tracks ran parallel to an airfield and the plane

I need to know, what kind of train routinely has run-ins with boats and planes??

A couple of years ago, husband and I were frequently travelling across Austria by train. Truly beautiful, I recommend it - but only if you pay the small extra to travel business class. Nothing eventful has ever happened to us in business class before or since.

On the R train, I once watched a well-dressed older lady, with dramatic scarf draped just so, proceed to nibble daintily on a series of chicken wings that she produced DIRECTLY from the pocket of her gorgeous camelhair coat, and then deposit the bones in the other pocket. These wings were not wrapped or in a plastic

Oh I bet drivers have the best stories to tell! My friend was a driver for Metro in Seattle and talked about how she almost had a perfect driving record. You get a watch with a diamond chip for every year you have perfect driving. Well one year she was in Magnolia and this asshat parks his car on a tight street in

I see a lot of unextraordrinary nonsense on my commute just like anyone else so I won’t bore you with the screaming, the drugs, the fights, or the masturbation.

I've tossed someone's bag off a train. He may have been in his rights to sit in a handicapped designated seat, but his briefcase wasn't. A woman who looked about 19 months pregnant asked him to move it. He refused. So the next time we were at a station I threw it out the door.

I’ve seen plenty of bad shit (puke, diarrhea, screaming violent lunatics), but instead I thought I’d share the best thing I ever saw on the subway. This was at, like, 6:30am on a Saturday:

Ugh, I had a woman that would constantly do abusive stuff like that to me, plus threaten to call the transit company and try to get my disabled pass revoked. Also, whenever she saw me on the street, she would loudly complain that I was too slow, blocking her way, etc. I moved out of that community to get away from her.

About a dozen years ago, not long after my transition, I was taking the 6 train downtown from Grand Central when an obviously inebriated woman walked up to me and started pointing at me and repeatedly shouting, “I know what you are! I know what you are!” I thought to myself, oh no, she knows, what’s she going to do to

I had a woman hurl ableist abuse at me on a bus.

Oh, just realized I forgot to include why it mattered that he was an Asian gentleman. When I arrived at work, I told this story to my two co-workers, both of whom are Japanese. When they heard my story one of them said, “I’m not surprised. We have separate trains for women in Tokyo because of this shit happening.” But

It’s not as much a story, but I feel like it should be shared as well. I worked for a transportation company here in California for a couple of years. I was on a small team of three and it was our job to clean the bus fleet in and out. This is a reasonably clean and nice Coastal California community. This was my job

On the train, I started to smell something foul. I glanced towards the back where there was a young woman changing a poopy diaper. Not the greatest situation, but I shrugged it off.

I’m stealing a friend’s story because it’s so good...

This didn’t happen to me, but to a friend who is a bus driver. My friend said the biggest part of his job is watching out for people to make sure they are safe. This was an evening shift in a rougher part of town, so he was on high alert. A young woman is sitting towards the front of the bus, when a sketchy looking

On the TTC: