
Soooooo, my husband and I saw Widows the night before that interview was posted and he and I had to stop the movie to freak out about Neeson eating her face. It was noticeably weird and extra. We had to think for a while if we’d ever even seen him in another kissing scene and we concluded that we haven’t. I am

Ironically,I just watched this movie last night,and I guess I didn’t pay attention to the trailer enough,cause I didn’t realize he was even in this until he showed up,at which point all of the recent events popped into my head. (To see he was Viola Davis’ husband was a “this gon’ be good...” moment).

I do this with roast beef, horseradish, and cheddar. They have a very short lifespan.

what do you think of celery salt to roast the cauliflower, and skip the relish? (i do not enjoy labor).

If anyone is curious, my recipe is riff on on this one. I made it in an Instant Pot and threw it in the oven afterwards to brown a little on the top for aesthetic purposes, but the whole dish can be done in the oven as well.

Honestly, the portion sizes on the kid’s menu would be perfect for me.  They are probably closer to what portion sizes for adults should be anyway. 

Terrible. Carrying strollers in the subway is the worst. I remember hauling my stroller and child up 2 flights of stairs, only to find out that the exit nearby was closed, then had to haul it down the stairs, go up another set to get out. Some nonsense like this would happen every damn time. Totally unsafe in an

Now playing

Have we had the one with John Bolton walking around after a briefing on Venezuela showing a document that mentions sending 5000 troops to Colombia?

I think it’s Republican’s love of business and hatred of government gets mixed with our culture’s ‘prosperity gospel’ view that wealth is basically a sign of virtue.

Fuck me gently with a chainsaw if we end up with some dude named Hickenlooper in the White House.  

I am 100000% done with unqualified billionaires wanting to run for office, candidates that are over 65, and “running the country like a business”, the idea of it has always been ludicrous to me and I never understood the rationale behind it.

It’s funny how these billionaire independents always think that the “political center” is what they believe. Almost as if the world revolves around them. 

There are a lot of men who jump into conversations about women being sexually assaulted with the loud proclamation that MEN GET SEXUALLY ASSAULTED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

He was recently on an NPR show “Ask Me Another”. He is an amazing guy in so many ways. He got into college on an art scholarship. Then he got on the football team as a walk on and got a free ride. He is a flautist. He made extra money in school doing portraits of his teammates. The played a game of “what cant Terry do”

He also addressed it in his initial statement when he mentioned that, during the incident, he was aware and wary of how it would look, being a large black man, if he were to get violent in that situation.

I made the mistake of skimming the article, and, after having read The Winners, I thought baby showers sure have changed since I was a lass!

This story is mostly sad. My friend was pregnant and her husband was in grad school. The women in the grad program decided to throw her a baby shower. In between the planning and the event, her husband went on a university trip thing and attempted to sleep with a woman in his program (she said “no”). So, she and her

Maybe I want her to be an admiral, did you even consider that! ;) 

I, too, and so confused at what the appeal is here. Who is supposed to interested in this particular wrinkle? Women with male-virgin kinks? Committed wingmen? His mom?

This is so gross.  Not the part about him being an adult virgin (if true), because you do you bro, but the fetishization and marketing around it makes my skin crawl.