Summer Sisters is the best beach read EVER. I wanted to be Vix so badly.
Summer Sisters is the best beach read EVER. I wanted to be Vix so badly.
Seth Cohen can die in a fire as far as I'm concerned. That jerk killed Dave Rygalski, the only good boyfriend Stars Hollow ever saw.
I never watched this show (never had a chance) but I'm convinced TV execs don't know how TV works anymore, at least broadcast TV execs. Shows struggle out of the gate, especially now, because before I even watch a show I want to have a recommendation from someone I trust (not Entertainment weekly or TV guide). There…
I was just thinking the exact same thing. I have been facially deformed since birth and would have hated to see a princess version of me depicted. disney's main purpose aside from sexualizing the youth is to distract children from their daily traumas. I can't imagine a downs princess going over well and not becoming…
Saddest news of the week: that giant green butt plug thing in Paris got deflated so now I can't take a picture with it *sobs*
Hmmm...I really enjoyed "The Cuckoo's Calling" and "The Silkworm" by Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling's pseudonym) ; they're fun, twisty mystery books with an engaging detective at the center.
I use gold stars. Shit you not: I have a chart over my desk at home that has my goals on it, and if I do things I'm supposed to, I get to put a gold star on the chart. Enough gold stars means I get a present, like a new lipstick or a craft beer.
Has anyone noticed that going through a break up is like taking a crazy pill? I recently went through one that was a little brutal and essentially had to find my own closure—no conversations after it happened. I'm facepalming thinking about how many emails I sent trying to get the ex back, even after I was told to…
Could there BE any more GIFs in this discussion?
Well, looks like my period of not watching Friends will soon be over. Because, of course, WE WERE ON A BREAK!
I wouldn't be so sure about that. I've read that c-sections strongly increase the risk of autism.
Stop acting like 'Shake It Off' isn't great
Basil: Everything
It's never so hot that you can't cover your ass and stomach with a thin layer of cotton.
Last Sunday my husband told me he wants to move out. He needs to be single and figure out what he wants in life. After months of couples therapy and ten years together, there's nothing else I can do. I can't make him stay married to me. Now I'm applying for jobs in different cities, since I only moved to this town for…
I ordered a clear acrylic makeup organizer thing with drawers from Muji and it came today and it is RAD. I am irrationally thrilled at the idea of not having to clean hairspray crust and towel fuzz off of all these little jars and tubes now. Also it looks SO much better. And now I want another one so I can stack 'em.…
Nope. THIS is the world's cutest dog. Also, Paris Hilton should not be allowed to own animals.
That's not a dog. That's a rat with a blow-out.
I recently got over an ex-there was about five or six months there where I regularly obsessed over her- and I did it solely by slowly but surely deconnecting with her over social media. First blocked her on facebook, then unfollowed on twitter, unfollowed on instagram, and deleted her from my phone.
have to do something will all the leftover: