Mary Tyler Moore cookies, please.

Brazillian Bikini wax, every five weeks. Because I’m out of my mother fucking mind.

Very late reply, but I have taken a pay cut for a job before and it was worth it.

I don’t know what the meetup groups in your area look like, but there are a lot that are geared toward specific age groups!

It’s so strange how one person can completely warp your ability to build and maintain relationships with other people. I’m so glad you were able to find a support system to help you move on!

First of all, from the way you describe yourself, I do not see a problem — you sound spectacular!

I got out of an emotionally abusive relationship a few months ago. With the help of therapy, awesome friends and new goals that I’ve starting working on, I’m starting to feel like a normal person again. And this is probably the best feeling I have had in years. So KUDOS! Very excited for you!!!

That’s exactly my line of thinking.. the longer he cheats on her with me, the less trust I will have for him later.

Any Jezzies out there who have quit smoking? How did you do it? Share your success stories with me!

I like a guy... who has a girlfriend.

I would watch that show.

What about Elizabeth Banks’ amazing wide legged jeans and crop top?! Not to mention the side swept hair which magically erased 8 years of age from her 24-year-old self!

Best. Headline. Ever.

I’m sorry that you had creepy male teachers that attempted to enforce the dress code in a wildly inappropriate way. So what is the major issue here? The dress code itself or the administration who acted inappropriately?

No, I’m not being paid to adhere to a dress code. I am, however, being paid to (among other things) conduct myself in a professional manner. This includes dressing and presenting myself professionally. I wouldn’t show off cleavage, midriff or too much leg just like I wouldn’t wear ripped or stained clothes that do

I came here to say exactly THIS. I went to an all girls catholic high school. Non-uniform days came with a STRICT dress code which dictated things such as:

I have done this and it IS wonderful. I suggest adding some cinnamon.

I love your second hypothetical answer and I’m going to go ahead and file that away for future interviews. I do tend to disengage when I’m faced with too much downtime. This is the perfect way to gauge whether or not a potential employer will ensure that I’m challenged.

“What’s your greatest weakness?” translates to: “No one is perfect and in order to be a successful team player, it’s important to know that, be aware of your faults, have the humility to admit when you are wrong and be able to recognize the strengths in your coworkers. Also, I want to be sure to hire a candidate who

You are one of the few to do your own research. And I appreciate your initiative.

I’m well trained to do my job, thank you. As are my colleagues. My comment was referencing any random manager, assistant manager, supervisor, etc throughout the company that seldom interviews candidates and, therefor, forgets the rules. Or, as pointed out by czargable, are simply not well practiced at interviews and