Mary, Mary, Knotty Pine

Black pudding is an evil substance that ruins breakfasts. By the transitive property Morcilla is evil as well.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

I thought it was 11?

I'm sorry, but you are wrong.

I'm not immune to the desire to make myself look better.

I do delete the dumb ones.

I don't delete polite responses.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is the same excuse that people who are abusers always use, "if it's so bad, why don't they just leave?"

What's with the new "goddess" thing?

The two of you get to decide how it works for you. I'm just sad that I'll probably see that image in my mind whenever I see your byline from now on.

I know, right? Some of us just react to abuse in really odd ways.

All I see when I try to read your articles is your boyfriend's face as he watches the movie you tricked him into seeing. :(

Oh, hun. Let me give yoy a hug.


And here you are, clicking and commenting.



Why don't you just stop complaining to people you know will give you unwanted advice?

This is how people lose custody and get fucked financially in their divorce.

She wants him back.