
That’s a shitty thing to make adopted people feel like a burden on their biological mom. She has to be forced to give birth just so I can live?

I saw a guy at the DMV with a tail. There was a loud lady who was talking to everyone and when she saw him she got really loud about it and polled the other people waiting asking if he was serious and what they thought about it. I told her she could get on the Internet and find out that people are in fact very

I think if a person is made of thousands of ants they should have the right to vote for their own laws in a free election because a person made of ants is many individuals with their own unique needs and desires.

Fuck I think we just ungreyed him. I didn’t know how that worked. Next time I won’t reply.

This is great.

That’s not how logic works.

I’m going to check out those links. The one autistic person thing is very important for me to keep in mind because my own experience is all I know and then I tend to generalize from that.

One restaurant I worked at a lot of the kitchen was illegal. One time there was a language mix up that (according to managment) one employee incorrectly thought he had to work off the clock, and the whole kitchen walked out. The “mix up” was fixed, but everyone who walked out was fired.

To elaborate, yesterday when I read your comment I had this conversation:

The writing reminds me of when people assumed autistic people lacked empathy. It does a good job of describing the surface structure of things, but all of the why is wrong. I found it interesting because depite the inaccuracies it was the first piece of writing I came across that even described how I communicate. I am

I don’t think pointing out that not knowing book equals go away (plenty of people are saying that in the comments, nerdy females like myself, not men trying to poke holes in the rules) is exactly arguing. My original point was not everybody has the same social literacy and may be confused by specific norms, but that

Yes, but if somebody does go ahead and do it when theyre not supposed to it falls under being “illicit but valid” and you can’t be baptised again. I get this from the Wikipedia article on illicit but valid:


I think before a surgery counts as an emergency, so that’s a legit baptism.

I looked into it and maybe I’m mixing up catholic and lutheran, but I think if a baptism is performed in good faith, it technically counts. For example, anyone from the church can baptise you in a legit emergency, but if someone has bad judgment and baptises you and it turns out it wasn’t called for, it still counts.

When I posted this on Facebook I mentioned that it was full of inaccurate sterotypes, but managed to describe some important concepts. You’re response actually reminds me of the description, because you could have picked apart the whole thing (autism trains, for example) and been super personal about it, but you stuck

I am going for nuance and actual depth to thinking, not cute! Oh look, she’s trying to understand the world around her, how cute, she says.

I don’t agree that I’m derailing. I feel like your focus is narrow. To me discussing men’s refusal to acknowledge clear rejection and the fact that they pretend not to know follows logically from “why can’t they see I’m reading?!!” The more barriers we build and the more rules we constuct, the more they’re going to

Well I’m glad that I wasn’t trying to be cute. Thanks for clarifying.

I am curious about what direction I was supposed to go. To me, structurally, this is as if I jumped into a debate about personal lipstick choices and wanted to branch off and talk about the colonization of the female mind and you refused to engage because you wanted to chat about lipstick. Is that what just happened?