
And you have fun getting interrupted just trying to walk down the street.

Omg @you’re really nerdy. Heaven forbid we want to talk about that book we both read.

Yes, I would like to be intereupted. People would be able to tell that from my body language, which is why I don’t get why this is being made into a book thing instead of a men ignoring body langauge thing. Having a book is an excuse, like having a boyfriend. It doesn’t matter what kind of shield you’re using, the

I’m autistic and a nerd and to me a book in public was always an invitation to chat about books and being a nerd. I am also female, but haven’t noticed a gender difference in who I talk to or who talks to me about books. I’m also not in a city. And the nerdier the prop the more it seems like an invitation. If you were

I wouldn’t mind if someone asked me about my book, but the problem is men people just using that as an in to harass you.

I’m an avid reader and the fact that reading a book is code for don’t talk to me is news. Maybe the men are also unaware of the code?

I don’t think empathy is the right word. To be empathetic to someone is distress, you have to be aware they’re on distress. I didn’t know until this post that speaking to somebody reading is considered rude, but I’m an emphatic person. A lot of people literally can’t read between the lines and will take what is said

That man is enormous, he’s just not fat. When people hear plus sized they assume it means fat, but it just means large. Lots of large people aren’t fat because of muscle.

All of these people shooting down my whale farm idea is why we can’t have nice things. If I wanted to, I could totally farm whales. I chose not to to be a good person.

We need to start making new hybrids.

It would be a luxury item.

I can’t wait for the movies!

Earlier today I had steak for the first time in a long time. I wikipediaed “meat” which is what I do when exploring alien tastes. I read about various meats, and when I got to whales and dolphins, knowing that there are ethical issues sorrunding hunting them, I wondered, why don’t they just FARM the sea manmals? I

I didn’t know wrestling was a sport. I thought it was a kind of performance art. I had similar thoughts about the Bikram yoga post. I need to look into these topics.

Im glad I never got sea monkeys because I really did think they were like a tiny civilization like the sea monkey people in the ad.

That top lady is hard core posing and is probably covered in tanner and is at the most muscular part of her training regiment. The bottom lady is probably airbrushed to look soft and delicate to make weight training seem less threatening. On the street, I’d probably read them both as “not fat” instead of thinking

Maybe this is my autism or my schizotypal personality disorder speaking, but this sounds like a great way to connect with people and find out why they hate me.

Tiny elephant!

Lots of people dont have problems getting it out and a lot say it gives an improvement. Also, I didn’t have a choice as I was unconscious having a surgery when the doc saw that my gall bladder was shit and got my dad to consent. Before I went in, in the waiting room I heard them asking this man if they could take out

Ugh, I have that after getting my gall bladder out. It is the worst.