Mary, Queen of Scoffs

That’s when you go to your wife and say “Nice try sweetie.”


So wouldn’t Little Boots be Marco Rubio?

Ya beat me to it. Brilliant as always.

I was thinking Nero.

No, caligula started out as a good politician, then went full sex-maniac and ruined everything& brought shame to his family. Totally weiner.

Maaan, if I had a dollar for every time I heard that one....

I got something similar only it was about my wife cheating on me. It was very elaborate with so-called “proof” that included photos of her and this other guy and text messages exchanged between them and stuff. The weirdest part about the scam was that they didn’t even ask for money, just some made up claim of “I’d

This really does seem like the perfect scam after the hacking of cheating websites. It shows just how many cheaters are out there and there very well could be proof. The odds are good that they could have netted enough actual cheaters to make it worth it.

What’s Latin for “tiny hands”?

Who gets to be Trump-Caligula’s horse senator? THE FLOOR IS OPEN for nominations.

And the main stream media, doing the bidding of right wing trolls, is running with the accusation as if Clinton has done something horrible, because they are assholes that don’t understand the concept of nuance.

I still like trump as Caligula. Caligua was a nickname - it means “little boots” - that a toddler Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus gained because he would stomp around in little army boots pretending to command his big shot daddy’s soldiers. Born into privilege and with delusions of grandeur that began young.

It’s another nothing burger.

Some of us are “some people”. Congrats on being privileged and rich enough not to have to give any fucks about society, though. That must be sweet.

Oh, the right’s braindead brigade has already furiously masturbated themselves temporarily blind today over all this shit. Unreal.

“You’ve climbed back in the plane 4 times, you people are SICK!”

Danger! Carlos Danger.

“When I was eight, I stole keys out of my dad’s leather jacket pocket to get into a locked alley behind my house. The reason why doesn’t matter.”

It’s the 6 year olds at the bottom shouting “AGAIN! AGAIN!” that really set her off…