Mary, Queen of Scoffs

ALSO: Remember the “Motorcycle Safety” law that was actually an anti-women’s health care law? And then when women protested outside the Governor’s house, he brought them cookies?

OMG, so cute though!

Raleigh has some odd enclaves, like there are some weird space-time anomalies. It is like there are a little pockets of the 1950s sprinkled in amongst all the regular people from this time period.

I thought it was the same woman in three outfits?

This is not even a little bit surprising. I was treated like sh*& in the hospital after having my second baby. The baby was NINE (9) pounds, so I clearly was in bad shape. My partner had to go home to spend the night with our other child, and the nurses would not help me hardly at all. They got mad at me for

Is this problem getting worse? Or are we just paying more attention? I really can’t tell. Do the police keep data on bogus calls?

At this point, they are just trolling us.

I don’t think it was an accident. Before T*^#@p was elected, I would have thought that was just ignorant - but I have come to see that when people do things like that, it is because they meant to do it. They are really that internally racist.

I am betting that there are NO people of color at the newspaper.

I don’t know the answer, but I DO know that the US does NOT even keep track of police shooting in any systematic way. The US Government refuses to even KEEP TRACK of the problem. If we at the very least had good data, and could look at it in relation to training and hiring practices - we might be able to figure out

Ugh. I hate that any of us had to even see this kid’s racist mess.

Yeah. Those “apology” tweets don’t sound like she wrote them herself.

That was an assault. There is no excuse for the officers behaving that way. I hope she sues them in civil court for assault. We can’t keep going like this - where there are just no consequences for police acting like this.

THIS. White Privlige is neither asked for, nor deserved - but if we have it we should use to help.

Mostly, the bandana are for tear gas - to reduce inhalation of tear gas. Almost all protestors I know who stand up against racism do it with their face UNCOVERED. We know it is a risk. We do it anyway because it needs got be done.

Tear gas - that is a major reason to wear bandanas over your mouth and nose (which is what they were doing).

I think you make an important point. I recently was watching something about the Rodney King verdict, and I had forgotten (if I ever knew) that the police officers in LA mostly lived outside of LA. They didn’t live in the community the policed - they saw it as “other”. In Ferguson, a lot of the police officers

Many of the officers are likely white supremacists themselves. To them, the Alt-Right guys are All Right guys.


ALL OF THIS. Also, I have been thinking lately about how we never passed the Equal Rights Amendment. Women still do not have constitutional equal rights under the law. STILL.