
I think people doing it for the photo ops are doing it wrong. I always figured the real appeal in this is giving your kid something new and just watching how they react. That’s the most fun of having a baby (said as an auntie), watching them find something they like. Sure, snap a picture or two for the memories of the

What exactly is far-right? Don’t know about over there, but here in the US, it means that anyone who is not woke”

You’ll be a happier, more well rounded person a few weeks after you stop sucking on whichever propaganda teet made you this fucking stupid.

So in your view, people are either woke or far-right? Either liberals or Nazis, no in between?  Sounds like you’re really ignorant.

I’m sure Matt Gaetz is familiar, due to his legal education at a second-tier law school (but still good!) that’s actively trying to distance itself from him, with the fact that statutory rape is a strict liability crime, meaning mens rea is not a factor. Put another way- if the jury is presented with evidence that she

My grandad, a hugely devout Catholic, mass everyday, having the father over for dinner once a week, was sent to Italy during WWII. He never returned to church again after visiting the Vatican. They had so much wealth and used none of it to help the victims of the war. They hoarded it and continue to hoard it.

They’re not. Archbishops are just dicks about it, get rebuffed, and sulk for a while. Canada’s Jean Chrétien (prime minister in the ‘90s) got the same threat from his archbishop.

Are they icing out anyone in the Italian government? How about the Irish government? How about Poland, Mexico, or Portugal? And on the flip side, are any Catholic governor being iced out because they don’t categorically grant clemency from capital punishment to prisoners? Are they going to ice out Catholic prosecutors

If churches are gonna start taking political stands then they should have their tax exempt status removed. 

“Because President Biden is Catholic, it presents a unique problem for us,” Naumann told The Associated Press. “It can create confusion. ... How can he say he’s a devout Catholic and he’s doing these things that are contrary to the church’s teaching?”

Being pro-choice does not mean being pro-abortion

You had one hand in your pocket, and the other one holding a free abortion. Happens.

Good God, you're right! I guess my head was too full of socialism and free abortions to think clearly.

God, Jezebel is so exhausting now. Are there any other feminist centered news sites around?  I’ve been reading this site for a decade but I can’t take how joyless it has become.  

Agreed. It’s completely dumb for men and boys to goof off and fun while donating food and money to a charity/s. 

Reptilian troglodyte who has, quite literally....destroyed the world.

It takes a lot of courage to resign after you’ve already done the thing. Instead of, you know, just not doing the thing.

it was fun and silly event after a rough fucking year, they let a 4 year old win the title, they raised 10K for a children’s hospital, and gathered 200-300lbs of food for the local food pantry.

Also this from NBC news:

You know what, after half a million dead, a homelessness crisis that’s going to be unlike anything we’ve seen before, and a goddamn insurrection formulated the former president of our country, let the joshes have their fun.