
Is Wallen the one who disinvited to SNL for not wearing a mask?

Especially because one of the reason I have to deny myself the pleasures that this person enjoyed is exactly because of behavior like hers. The more people blow off guidelines because they just haaaave to try the cute new restaurant with indoor dining, the more the rest of us don’t get to.

Getting a franchise/series can, surprisingly often, give the performer a shot of power that’s like every drug mixed together—after so many years of auditions and headshots and day jobs, suddenly you get the gold ring of red carpet premieres and steady paychecks and everyone acting like they care about your opinions!

LoL true, further to climb, further to fall. This is the same logic folks (including me) use to argue that Bronn actually won “the Game of Thrones”.

Yes, I’ve read a good article (that there’s no way I’ll be able to find) about how MMA is such a petri dish for fringe beliefs and conspiracy theories because of how isolating of a sport it is.

Great analogy, though I think she stands to lose even more, opportunity-wise, than Wallen. Her character was a fan favorite and she was almost certainly going to lead a new spinoff show on D+. From there, who knows?

It’s almost half a century since we fought the punk wars. John Lydon is now mostly preoccupied with looking after his ailing wife of 42 years, even as his own eyesight is failing. Even if you don’t care for the DM, the article is definitely worth a read.

Congress could never thank Officer Eugene Goodman enough. The man literally put his black body between Congress and a mob shouting the n-word, waving the confederate flag, and putting up nooses at the capitol.

It’s not a maybe - people would absolutely be able to figure it out. There are only a 100 of them, and as far as I know they would be under no obligation to stay secret after they voted. Given that the republicans that voted not to impeach would be sure to advertise that’s what they did, I suspect it wouldn’t take

the secret vote is a great idea but I don’t see any Republican agreeing to do that because if he was impeached, one of his cultists in the Senate would 99.999% certainly leak who voted for what (even if it cost them their seat or more laughably, censure). Another of the many, many benefits of absolutely controlling a

Oh my god I am shaking my head on this one. I think David Hogg pretty much sums it up here:

“I came to the conclusion that there was no way that the case could ever improve and get better with time absent Mr. Cosby’s confession,”

The Senate can pretty much make up their own rules, so if they want to do a secret vote it’s in their own hands to make that happen.

I can’t watch any of it. I do want the Democrats to make a convincing case, (which, frankly, shouldn’t be hard,) but I just cannot stand listening to the Republicans make cynical and hypocritical arguments that the whole trial is pointless. 

Yeahhh...I know she’s a public figure and all, but she’s a kid. Adults obsessing/gossiping over kids’ love lives instinctively skeeves me out. There’s a whole thread here with people speculating over when these girls will break up, and they just got together. That’s not cool to me.

seriously. Joey Ramone would like a word. Joan Jett would like a word.

Came here to say this; you said it better.

Meet me at the Hot Topic by the Auntie Ann’s?

This. Putting on eyeshadow or dying your hair doesn’t make you punk.

I’d also like to include “princess” in the list of words to not call her.
She’s closing on 40 and divorced. I know we’re old now, and it’s hard to admit, but yeah, she’s a grownass adult now, like all of us.