
An Award winning actor *with range*?

I loved Schitt’s Creek, and thought Dan Levy was great in it.

Had me in the first half, not gonna lie

The best thing ever is her official statement after receiving this.....she literally sent out:

It seems like “taste” isn’t his forte.

He was there to protect a business. Not other people. A business. You know what protects a business? Insurance.

What is so hard about this? Bail rescinded, throw him in jail. This will also teach the goobers who threw money at this under aged imbecile that bailing out entitled white kids is a bad investment.

“Rittenhouse claimed he was in Kenosha to protect businesses from rioters.”


I have an officemate who has multiple posters and photos of marathons that he has staggered through. Another has trophies and photos of the championship youth soccer teams she’s coached. Is it so really so vain to be proud of an accomplishment? It’d be infinitely more pretentious to ignore your role in the insanely

I didn't see an apology in there. But you're goddamn right, "sorry" is pretty insufficient at this point.

I suppose Ready’s trying to be clever. He apparently lacks the intestinal fortitude to come out and say precisely what he means. I think his own people might call him a “cuck.”

I was gonna say, between this video and the admission that she was sexually assaulted, the Cult 45/incel team is going to be wallowing in AOC trauma the way a dog rolls around in a dead animal it found on the street.

Since they did the usual right wing equivocation of a mob trying to kill people and overthrow democracy with property destruction during BLM protests, I’ll join you on the under.

A friend encountered someone who was familiar with the insurrection. This person said there are a group of insurrectionists who would have absolutely killed the people in the room with the votes, if they had found them.

Right. Like, I’m sorry, but now we’re supposed to applaud GWB and Dick and Liz Cheney as reasonable moderates? I don’t think so.

This seems to be a case much like Harvey Weinstein or Johnny Depp - the company feels free to take a moral stand now that the star isn’t bringing in the big bucks anymore. It seems to have been pretty much an open secret who he was for years.

That’s the point. It is VERY rare to find a Republican that is both a) not a QAnon loon/racist/white supremacist and b) willing to call out those who are for fear of pissing off Cult 45.

Hey Meghan, please connect the dots. Your father. Sarah Palin. Donald Trump. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Everything about the “Tom’s the Devil” scene - the staging, filming, writing, and performances is just so good. Also, Aaron may be acting out of jealousy (“I buried the lede,” great line!), but Tom really is the devil.