Frau Brucher!
Frau Brucher!
That’s literally what a face to face meeting where both people are in the room (or on the Zoom) at the same time, and the accused can respond to the accuser. A mask doesn’t prevent any of that. As long as her identity has been confirmed by the court (and I am sure it has), a mask has not bearing whatsoever on…
The confrontation clause doesn’t say shit about masks. I’m all for criminal defendants getting their constitutional rights, but seeing the witness’s teeth isn’t a necessary component of a fair trial.
THe witness was facing the accused. A mask doesn’t make the witness not there, and seeing her mouth doesn’t grant anyone anything. Face to face just means in the same damn place.
Republicans will not hesitate a millisecond to get rid of the filibuster (for stuff they haven’t already gotten rid of it for) as soon as it benefits them.
The only Trumpers I know (and it’s not that many, and unfortunately they’re related to me) are Gen-Xers. And they are hardcore.
you are fooling yourself if you don’t think that there is another crop of shit heads waiting to fill the gap once the Boomer die off.
The media could start “bridging the divide” by refuting the “divulging political opinions” not based on facts or grounded in reality. How about we start by insisting on unity with reality? There are no both sides to Qanon because Qanon doesn’t exist. There are no both sides to election fraud because President Biden…
All of these Trumpers melting down because they are facing legal consequences of an attempted coup need to quit their bitching. When you attempt a coup, you do it with the understanding that things will go very badly for you if you fail. They’re lucky they live in a country that will give them their day in court.…
Just because it gets hard again doesn’t make the memories of hearing “is it in?” go away.
You’d think once they came out with ED meds, 40+yo men’s fascination with brandishing large guns would have eased up.
Laugh now, but just wait until she’s and Rep. Boebert (R-Guns) are the GOP ticket in 2024.
You know who else was hilarious and a caricature in 2015? the candidate Donald Trump. How did that work out for y’all?
Like a Denotation and Connotation Commission?
Seriously, wtf is going on here? The headline seems extremely incongruous with 95% of the actual article. But then at the end, after saying how well qualified these people are, etc, they tack on that the announcement didn’t specifically call out trans women? Which still doesn’t make any sense with the headline, which…
They left out so many things and all the committees they formed by aren't absolutely perfect! Shit I could have fixed everything and made America perfect in like 10 hours.
Yeah, sorry if that came off as pedantic. We’re coming away from 5+ years of nonstop reflexive control campaigns, so I think it’s important to be specific in terminology when describing GoP (well... all parties, really) malfeasance.
This made me cry when it was first referenced during the ceremony. He gets all the stars, rewards, medals and anything else he wants.
“As we enter into the next administration please remember all the friends and happy memories we made together over the past few years.”
McConnell is very much like Trump in many ways - loves power, probably a sociopath, lies at will, transactional, and what’s in it for me. But he is smarter than Trump (obviously) and calculates the risk/reward at every turn. He is patient and calculates the long game. Just as evil but in a tortoise vs the hare sort…