
that’s the quote, thanks

The anger and hate Dump stoked will live on, but without him in a position of power, and so many wannabes trying to seize the sword, the mutations will be—let’s say “interesting times” are ahead.

Why, instead of getting Mission Impossible vibes with treason and espionage feeling, I am getting more of a Burn After Reading vibe.

Can I get two Corinthians?

Anything that owns the libz is patriotism, Snide! How is that so hard to grasp?

This is why the concept of forgiveness doesn’t work. You can’t have since absolution without remorse, an admission of guilt, and accountability. Ask any bully who is forced to apologize yet continues to be a repeat offender. 

  • Nancy Pelosi plans on fining lawmakers who refuse to go through the newly installed metal detectors at the Capitol. [HuffPost]

It’s funny how they’re pro-life until they’re beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher. 

Haha... A Goodfella’s spin.

I’m feeling a little bit OK about things, maybe. The seditionists are getting shut out of their largest communication channels. Some are finding themselves on no-fly lists. A good number of their leaders are in jail. The National Guard will be out in force. None of this guarantees anything, but I feel like Washington

The police drove us to Murkowski’s home, where her husband had built us a nice fire and had glasses of wine awaiting us.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

I don’t think Trump realizes he’s the McDonald’s of rich* people.

It is seriously the best thing I’ve read in a long time and it explains Trump in a nutshell. Massive but fragile ego, the chip on his shoulder about being trashy new money that will never be accepted by the actual East Coast elite, the fact that he has millions of followers but that’s not enough because they mostly

The adviser told me that Trump expressed disgust on aesthetic grounds over how ‘low class’ his supporters looked. ‘He doesn’t like low-class things,’ the adviser said ...”

These people wouldn’t put up with much inconvenience in their lives let alone the brutal hardship of fighting the civil war they so desperately dream of. It’s like the scene from Gone with the Wind where the Southern men are excited to go to war without realizing half of them are going to die to disease. They may want

You have freedom of speech, lady. Until you participate in a violent insurrection that cost lives in the service of a deranged megalomaniac pushing absurd conspiracy theories in order to stay in power. You’re a traitor and you should shut the fuck up while you’re still dodging a jail cell.

Some are going to have trouble getting to his events and getting home.

he’s in deep shit. as a retired officer, he can be recalled to active duty and subject to court martial. sentenced to Fort Leavenworth and receive a dishonorable discharge barring him from all VA disability and retirement income.

Lock HER up! Lock HER up!