What can be done that will ever satisfy you?
What can be done that will ever satisfy you?
Ah, the Johnny Got His Gun situation.
Better to be a female member of the Biden communications staff than a woman "journalist" at Jezebel shitting on the career accomplishments of other women because Bernie lost twice.
Geez, what a disappointing take. How about we celebrate these nominations, hope that they are confirmed and then wait a while to see how everyone is managing before throwing them under the bus just because....
They will never forgive him for not being Bernie Sanders.
Joe Biden can do no right, I guess.
If I had been drinking something when I read that first sentence I would have spit it out. Take your star!
Here’s hoping there’s some sort of incident in the ladies’ bathroom where these two idiots get spooked by their own reflections and end up shooting each other.
The woman who allowed and encouraged the impeachment of Trump even knowing the Senate would never convict? The woman who has refused to take the Senate’s miserly COVID offer,giving them cover because they “did something”? The woman who got her caucus to pass the ACA because it was right even knowing that it might…
“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own,” Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, said in a statement, New York Post reports. “She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”
Is this the one who is trying to convince people that Hugo Chavez, unhindered by dying 7 years ago, conspired with Dominion and noted progressive Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, to throw the Georgia election for Biden?
our current gun control laws are a direct response to the black panthers carrying guns in the 60's in California- under governor reagan
I know this is going to sound fucked up, but if the BLM crowd started to embrace open carry tomorrow, there’s a decent chance we’d have gun buy backs nation wide the next day —with a level of momentum no amount of white-dipshit-perpetuated-mass-shootings could ever spur.
Sneaker and collectible portfolio manager
Three Funerals from a Wedding.
Jan 21st 2021:
Mikayla claimed that when she was walking down the aisle she realized that not a single person was actually wearing one, and thought, “I’m walking down the aisle. We can’t do anything now.”