Uhhhh, I’m pretty sure you do NOT have to pay contractors/non-employees benefits. At least, so says my employer, for which every single person—CEO on down—is a contractor.
Uhhhh, I’m pretty sure you do NOT have to pay contractors/non-employees benefits. At least, so says my employer, for which every single person—CEO on down—is a contractor.
National Network of Abortion Funds or a check written directly to Dr. Warren Hern.
I think this provided my second actual laugh since the election (the first was the result of a wacky squirrel).
I can’t get past Alex’s comment that Ashley hasn’t “lived...outside her own asshole.” This hurts my brain. Don’t we all live outside our own assholes all the time? Or are we all living inside our assholes without even knowing it? This is some Matrix-level shit, here.
Yes, this one has made my top 5. Bravo, Madeleine.
The excellent story posted here about “Elizabeth” spurred me to donate to the National Network of Abortion Funds. This one? Jesus.
Don’t let the pain scare you. If you’ve ever had a few hours of really bad cramps, this won’t be any worse. It’s up there with the best decisions I’ve ever made. (If you haven’t read my other comment, I am on Mirena IUD #3... swap ‘em out every 5 years!)
I, too, am an IUD evangelist. I got my first one when I was around 24, and at age 39, I am on #3. Although my current one is good through 2018, I’m seriously considering swapping it out early if it looks like PP is going to go away. (I get mine there.) Yes, it’s expensive and hurts to get put in, but really—5 freaking…
This will be the #1 take. (I had the exact same comment.)
But what we all really want to know is: what does Dog want? I miss Dog.
OMG, I am imagining the havoc that would reign if my dogs figured out how to use that iFetch. It should be “For clever dogs, but not naughty ones that would figure out how to entertain themselves by breaking every damn thing in the house.”
I hope he looks like the Cryptkeeper soon. At least he was fun to look at.
How does this comment have no stars?? Lemme fix that...
I was forced to serve underhand for a while due to a should problem, and it can really throw off your opponent. I kept finding myself saying “first serve” before the score and the serve, because I didn’t want to be accused of trying to “trick” someone.
Really great piece, Nick. I’m lucky to live in Durham, but I drive through towns like Kannapolis and can’t help but try to feel what it must have been like for an entire economy to crumble.
Sounds a lot like NC at the moment. *sigh*
Holy shit. Fucking goosebumps right now.
Yes, this is really horrible stuff, and my first thousand takes are reflective of that... but really, I feel like I have to express this: these are fucking Ivy Leaguers, and their spelling and grammar are awful.
Ok, that is a Saturday, and Pelham is about an hour from me. Time to start organizing a protest. Fact: the town just to the north of Pelham is named Whiteville; I’m shocked that it’s not being held there.
So, Cooke has the night off?