

See, I think Burneko is an immensely talented and very funny writer who is held back by his total reliance on shitty on everything in sight.

Tom Ley should win the Pulitzer in the category of Reposting Shit From ESPN.

Are you *actually* offended that someone other than a straight white male gets to be a lead in an action movie?

See: Deadspin.

Drew is the only writer on this site who I find consistently amusing, smart, self-aware, and informed about the things he’s writing about. God, why do I keep coming back here?

Yahoo, too. Jesus, do you have Google?

It’s been all over ESPN, dumbfuck.

I’m sure people will send you photos now. Remember, we’re on the Internet, the worst place in the world.

Is mansplaining now a catch-all term for a dude arguing stuff? I thought it was a term reserved for when men are basically explaining woman stuff to women.

Wait, I was that’s-the-joking you. Are you that’s-the-joking my that’s-my-joke?

Bro sure thing bro bro bro.

Oh, see, that was a joke about how the Jezebel staff (all women, and not really sports fans) are taking over Deadspin (a sports site) for a day. The global “women think ...?” inquiry was a winky nod to tired sitcom tropes about Men-Mars/Women-Venus thinking, and not an actual expression of sexism.

Oh wait, no, I’m still gray. This is, indeed, a bummer.

Did you ungrey me?

Don’t think of sports fans? Or men?


Wait, women think sports fans care about hockey?