
I feel like the connotations of “conspiracy theory” make it an unfair label to apply here. Anyone who doubts that Putin will have people murdered, anywhere in the world, if it happens to suit him simply has not been paying attention.

There are a ton of distant fathers - who aren’t high. His habit may have been a coping mechanism.

I believe my childhood would have been vastly improved if my parents had both smoked a churro and chilled the fuck out.

if you think patience is the most important thing when raising kids but you have to get high to be patient then MAYBE you shouldn’t have kids.

I had a pot dad in the 70's. He made an off handed comment to a neighbor mom about getting high. The rumor spread like wildfire (ironically, the song he usually played while he was smoking) that he was a “druggie hippie” and consequently, no one was allowed to come to my house after school or for sleepovers.

I am with you. This article was super fascinating and on some levels made a lot of sense, but I bet I couldn’t do it. It would remind me too forcibly of painful,abusive and neglectful aspects of my own childhood that have to do with having a very, very drug addicted parent. No matter how much I recognize that pot is

You bring up interesting points. Weed affects different people in different ways. I had a roommate who would take like ONE hit, then silently binge eat before going to bed. Like no giggling, no interaction, just very much like her anti-social night time routine. So I guess it just depends on how it affects you, how

Sí, es muy fácil hasta que te pasa a ti y tienes que decidir si vas a pasar del tema o si vas a hacerte el caballero andante y quedarte en el paro y con dificultades de volver a trabajar en el sector, que es una isla muy pequeña.

Igual es fácil decirlo desde fuera, pero no consideraste denunciarlo a la policía?

China is a great example of what happens when you don’t have (actually enforced) regulations on a whole lot of levels. Ok, also the entire history of Western civilization shows that, but China shows just how disastrous the lack of enforced regulations is in modern society. Whenever I hear someone talking about how

It’s Mind-boggling right? I mean women only want abortions because there are abortion clinics, it’s not like women have been performing self abortions or causing their own miscarriages since the beginning of time or anything....this is how I imagine the lunatic sect of the ‘pro-life’ movement actually thinks.

Afraid any pain I could inflict can’t come close to the pain and suffering these women in healthcare deserts are experiencing.

My aunt is nine years older - and she blames my current underemployment on my “past employment decisions” - as if 40 years of continuous employment in broadcasting is the cause and not greedy bankers, CEO’s and politicians handing them deregulation on a silver platter so the industry imploded. Yes, this is MY fault.

Damn straight. It’s exquisitely on-point of her to bring up the plight of working full-time mothers and how they can’t support their families, and expand the conversation away from Hollywood. As long as it looks like she’s being punished by being in this for a penny, she decided to get in for a pound. I mean, even

Happy to hear Patricia Arquette bringing the conversation to the average woman and women in poverty. It does speak volumes that even huge stars in a very visible industry can't get equal pay, but god we are just failing working class women, especially women of color, over and over again. Glad to see these women using

I get it: An older, Conservative demographic may trends toward the Lands End look. There’s a reason they’re catering to that.

But you tying up women’s values and presumed sense of self-worth with their level of elegance and fashion sense is...not what should be going on here.

But it’s not about the brand. It’s about presuming that any people, anywhere, for any reason, hate themselves. It’s about judging other people — women — for what they do with their bodies. Which is exactly what the people who pushed LE to apologize are all about. Get it now?

I’m disabled. I have other things to worry about than clothes. So long as they are work appropriate, fit reasonably well, and I can get them on and off without too much issue, I don’t care. I didn’t ask your opinion of my appearance, however, and I am not here to provide you a stylish view.

Just a quick note: when you make a shitty joke that relies on punching down (in this case, rather snottily maligning an entire demographic as self-hating because you don’t like the clothes they wear), and you’re told that the joke was hurtful, there are two ways to respond: you can either say “hey, sorry, not my

Please, backpedal more and keep pretending that people are defending the brand, not themselves.