
I genuinely laughed out loud at that quote. He doesn’t even realize that the cry baby culture he’s talking about is literally himself and all the other men who can’t deal with a job title unless is quite literally has the word MAN. Maybe he would prefer if we called it the crymen culture?

“But on the other, it’s a direct reflection on society’s crybaby political correctness.”

To be fair: she totally could do exactly what he did, with the exact same result.

exactly. this was basically “Congrats, lady people, on regaining control of your bodies. More importantly, congrats, menfolk, you can safely treat women as sperm receptacles again!”

Yes, apparently. Some dudes think satire is saying something mildly offensive towards groups of people who are already being mistreated, thus punching down without being smart or provocative or anything other than supporting the status quo. It’s sad.

Nobody wants to censor anybody, dude. Whoever wrote that twit wasn’t smart and it just showed probably an intern with lack of comedy skills and knowledge about the subject. As I said before, they could have made a dark sarcastic joke and nail it, but they didn’t. They went for something easy and talked about a subject

Of course! But that’s exactly the problem. They’re supposedly celebrating a win for women and shit but make a joke without even thinking for half of a second about women. And if they think getting a woman intentionally pregnant so she’d have an abortion (yeah, I know it’s hypothetical) is funny, it’s because they’ve

That part too: the tweet is written as if the only people who watch the show are men, and “bros” at that. Go knock up some chick, bro! Like, okay, clearly this show isn’t addressing an audience that includes women, I can go along with that, wasn’t watching it all that much these days anyway.

Agree. I actually censored myself because I was already replying to people who thought there was nothing wrong with the joke and just wanted to explain something without getting angry replies. But yeah. There’s a lot of aggression in what the Twit implies (forcing pregnancy on somebody who doesn’t want it -otherwise

Yeah, maybe the sarcasm doesn’t come through- it didn’t for me. It wouldn’t be having sex without getting pregnant, just having the option to terminate the pregnancy, which isn’t pleasant or funny. I’d agree with your reading if this was a birth control ruling and the tweet said, “Celebrate by going and knocking

I agree with everything you said except your final analogy which I don’t think is as damaging a slur and stereoytpe as the tweet, how ‘bout “Celebrate marriage equality, go get AIDS with your gay neighbors!”

The anti-abortion trope is that irresponsible sluts use abortion as birth control without a thought. This tweet not only utterly supports that really damaging and wide-spread myth, it focuses on how the ruling affects men in a shallow way, not a core women’s issue. It’s really shitty on several levels.

Yes, thanks! What you said. My English is bad and I haven’t slept since yesterday so after writing the comment I realized I didn’t write exactly what I was thinking, but that was supposed to be my point. :)
That the Twit was written for straight men at the expense of women, who don’t have abortions for fun, since they

As I just fleshed out in one of last comments: It also punches down. Because women are forced to assume a disproportionate amount of responsibility for the outcome of sex that can lead to pregnancy. It’s funny if you’re a guy. It’s not funny if you live with the anxiety that pregnancy actually represents.

Excellent summary!

Not really, it is more to do with xenophobia, bigotry and narrow minded self interest. However the fishy bit is thus: Back in the mists of the past lots of people went to sea in small boats and caught fish. People who did not want drown bought the fish and ate them. The boats got a LOT bigger and caught many more

STOP! You can’t write the rules down! They must be vague, arbitrary, and specific to every different situation, location, and denomination so that when a girl or woman inevitably puts a foot wrong, the people in charge can say “It’s not our fault you didn’t know your outfit would outrage the old folks/distract the

I did say 99%. Perhaps you’re in the 1%.

Um, he invited her over to study and then drove her to an isolated area? Yeah, that’s not predatory at all! Just a communication problem. smgdh