
If we operate based on this logic then yes, we should be able to impersonate military personnel or anyone else for that matter. All we're doing is dressing how we want top be addressed.

Yeah, Cosby was spouting that for years. Turns out it’s better to let people peek at your underwater than be a serial rapist, though.

Wait. Are these men also adopting the police’s opinion that you can suspect any Black man who dresses like a gang banger of being one and stop and frisk them? Now how you dress and not what you say or do is what should matter?

Does that mean if I dress like a general I can start giving everyone orders and they have to salute me? I like this idea.

From the description of your outfit I would’ve guessed they would force you to play Nirvana covers for them. What a wild twist that it has more to do with your gender than clothes!

To me, what it comes down to is this:

In regards to “dress how you want to be addressed”:

Next time I see a guy in cargo pants I’m going to force him to build me a house. I mean, walking around looking all probably-owns-a-hammer...what did he think would happen? #CarpenterLookingAssBitch.

So if no charges are brought against someone, that means it never happened? No. That’s not how things work. Your argument is invalid.

No, it is the equivalent of a guy going up to a married man and saying, “Hey dude, even though I don’t really know her your wife has come on to me very aggressively and had an unreasonably angry and abusive response when I rejected her advances. Here’s the exchange for you to see for yourself. Thought you might want

Or they’re about racism or they’re meant to teach about another culture.

Why is it those people are only upset about that when it’s not about white dudes? Like oh sure, it’s okay for straight white men to only ever read about other straight white men, but god forbid anyone else wants to see themselves represented.

Despite being Canadian I have literally never experienced a temp anywhere near that outside of a walk in freezer, that is unfathomably cold to me. And yeah, I’ve asked before for conversions to be included in articles since half the readership is global, but no dice :(

Thank you! I did have a moment where I thought “-5? She must have been outside for days!” then I pulled up a conversion chart. I can’t even imagine that kind of cold. Just awful.

For all the non-Americans, that would be -21 Celsius and -33 with the windchill. That’s fucking cold.

It’s a bit uncomfortable to discuss this, but I’ve had similar experiences to yours, except I’m a guy. When my wife is in the mood and I’m not, I know that there will be emotional repercussions later if I tell her i’m not into it. So I allow her the opportunity to try to get me into the mood, and usually it works.

If there is a woman alive who has not had this experience, I’d like to meet her, because she is a rare, rare creature. I’m so grateful to you for sharing your story and elaborating on the complexity of consent. So many people want to make it a black-and-white, yes-or-no issue, and the more people who stand up and say

Joanna—this is a great piece. Well-researched and sourced, important, underreported.

Considering how many couples take cruises as honeymoons and things, how does this make an iota of sense to not regularly stock contraceptives of any kind? Isn’t that like running a Chuck E Cheese but ripping out all the arcade games and animatronics?

So this is the “No Love Boat”?