
BBC has been covering this extensively - a least 30 stories since the 4th:

Just a few pointers. I don’t know where you are from, but at my end of the woods (Europe, Denmark in particular) this story HAS been all over the news. It took a while to gain traction, especially because the German police was so silent about it, but now it’s all people talk about. However - the reporting has been

Many people have tried to make hay with the Cologne attacks in the same fashion as the Rotherham grooming scandal. However, don’t fall for scumbag right wingers who are using these awful cases, and the authorities’ shabby response thereof, to further their own agendas.

All TimH said was that blackface was never an issue in Hungary, not that there isn’t any racism. There are probably other people in these thread you should go and yell at.

Hmm...let me see...i would say it is “nem érzi a szarkazmust”...or “lemaradt a poénról”. Welcome.

There is no debate (I hope) that what this woman did was not art, it’s sappy, disgusting, internet-age kitsch.

Europeans? Really? In this context? Le sigh.

I don’t know, I feel like when people use “adulting” they’re acknowledging the fact that they’re incompetent adults and they’re doing the bare minimum. I always see it as making fun of themselves (myself included), not thinking they actually deserve a prize.

It’s the trans panic defense, which is another iteration of the gay panic defense, which states that masculinity is so fragile that any action or situation that could call someone’s heterosexuality or masculinity into question for even a second would be sufficient justification for murder.

Maybe he stepped in front of the crew member shouting “excuse me riff-raff! You must make way for an actually important person who matters, unlike your worthless self blocking my path!” while shoving him or her to the ground? That’s the only scenario I can think of where the pilot’s excuse even begins to make sense.

I think what’s uncommon is women brazenly ogling men in front of their male partners - at least as much as the reverse tends to happen. I think women are more discreet about it.

My dad always checked women out when he was younger. Not in a lingering creepy way, but I noticed his eyes casually looking at pretty women every once in a while.

Ha ha ha stating at my ass IS NOT ADMIRING me in any way. It is harassing me.

No, staring at other women when you know your girlfriend ‘puts up with it’ makes you an asshole. And, generally, leering at any women in public does indeed make you an asshole.

It’s uncomfortable to be on the receiving end. It’s uncomfortable to watch someone else do it. I just vote no.

Even if taxes are high, though... think about how much Americans spend on child care, preschool, medical care, college tuition, etc. Imagine if, instead of paying, say, 20% of your paycheck in income tax, 10% on college loans, 10% in medical expenses, and 20% on childcare, you spent 40% on income tax and 0% on all

No. Ever heard a guy called a “pussy” for being a coward, told he “threw like a girl” for being bad at sports, or told to “stop being a little bitch” for acting too emotional? It’s not just about attracting women.

They quite literally puffed themselves up on paper to compensate for feeling like pussies in reality.

Are you sure it isn’t how other men will see him? Men have a pretty serious pecking order amongst themselves, and being girly isn’t going to get them anywhere.

Yet feminists get called man haters.