
I kinda prefer the original ending.

I absolutely hate how the game has very drawn in, low resolution underwear when Bayek had boxer shorts in Origins.

It’s a mistake. しょうが(shouga) means ginger.

Tidus’s name is never uttered by voice in FF X, however it’s always officially been “TEE-dus”, as it’s taken from the Okinawan dialect for “Sun”. Similarly, “Yuna” is taken from that same dialect for “Moon”, hence why the promo art has Tidus associated with bright, sunny imagery, and Yuna’s tend to be set in nighttime

It was never actually pronounced in-game in FFX since you could name the character.


Strongly disagree! I like her toughness. You can’t always see the spirit of game characters in stills, but this one’s really attention-grabbing to me.

That’s one amazing Lucky Luke.


What got me for episode 7 was that same scene you talked about.

I have to say, episode 4 really just had me...”okay...” then at the end of episode 5, I must have gone into a full rant with someone. Frustrated that it showed such potential in the first few episodes, just to become too over-the-top for my liking. Makes for some great action but it’s so close to doing more with its

he’s kind on an annoying twat based on his appearances in Screen Junkies Movie Fights, but i won’t hate just to hate

It’s a colloquial/slang expression, native to the United States (you don’t really hear it in the United Kingdom).

Normally we’d say “I miss instruction booklets fiercely” for instance, but the colloquialism here functions as an adverbial phrase.

It’s actually an idiom. Yeah, I still don’t get it either, but we can thank good ol’ English for it. “____ something fierce” describes an intense or serious emotion or action.

It’s a fairly common phrase; here, “something fierce” basically means “fiercely.” I’m not sure of the origin, but the use of “something” followed by an adjective in place of a simpler adverb for emphasis’ sake is definitely a thing.

What. the. fuck. Like 50 vines on one page? Are you trying to set my computer on fire?

I say this is a good thing, as I’m sure many others will echo. Far too many high profile games are released nowadays that suffer because of trying to meet publisher enforced deadlines.

Everyone who came here for the tentacle monster mention raise your.. hand?

Man of Blue Steel.