
Yeah, right talk about a load of bullshit. Everyone knows the real reason.

I wonder if this is the beginning of the end for exclusive games and consoles in general. If in the future there are no more exclusives, then the only reason to even get a console instead of a gaming pc is the price. Consoles would serve as a more affordable and hassle-free option, which is mostly what they are today,


Cool. Can it be used to make porn?

The issue here is that you expected a nuanced, meaningful writing in a modern Final Fantasy game. Sorry, but that doesn’t happen anymore. Square bled most of the competent talent it had a while ago. They haven’t been able to tell a good story since FF13 maybe? I’ve heard 14 has some good stuff, but I wouldn’t know,

I have never understood why his art is praised so much. It’s one of those things where everyone but you seem to agree on one thing, so you think either you’re too dumb or everyone else is crazy.

that’s a yikes from me bro.

It is not really a mystery why this series became a big hit. It has all the classic tropes you would expect of the other series it gets compared to in this article. The story, while not innovative in the slightest, hits every mark it aims for fairly well. What really made it stand out beyond the competition is the

Can’t fault her for trying to... catch them all!

I’ve played DA 1 and 2, loved the first, the second not so much... Felt like an upgrade in the areas that mattered the least, and a downgrade where it mattered most.

Would be even better if they went back and instead of fixing the glitch, or just leaving it as is, they actually made something for it like they meant it all along

I wonder if ps4 games being able to run with “remaster” like qualities in the ps5 with a simple patch will stop publishers for milking every game dry with remasters and definitive versions of older games.... HA who am I kidding?? Get ready for yet another 5 to 7 years of old games being released yet again as brand new

I wonder if ps4 games being able to run with “remaster” like qualities in the ps5 with a simple patch will stop

As each new generation arrives it always astounds me how some graphical limitations seem ever present, impossible to overcome no matter ho much more powerful the hardware becomes.

the real reason it doesn’t matter is because in a couple years they will release slim, pro, ultra, lite and whatever other versions they will come up with. So, only early buyers will have to deal with the launch version


Games taking place on Ivalice actually doesn’t mean anything. The games that do take place in it never have any real connection or relevance between them. Ivalice is just a shorthanded way square uses to say the game has a certain look

Say what you will about Tetsuya Nomura, but at least his designs aren’t BOOOOORING. The girl is literally just a normal looking chick with a dress, what? Where is the style? the flair? They all look plain af... Well, on the positive side, this all sounds refreshingly stable and classic after the mess ff15 was.

Yes... Vampires. iT WAS TRULY GREAT! Because Alita’s personal quest to find out about her past definitely needed a several dozen chapters of backstory of vampires in a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk manga

“now being concluded”... yeah lol. At least that is how it was supposed to be, but this author doesn’t know when to stop. Dude went way overboard on LO, with a bunch of bullshit that never gets to the actual point, and then makes another sequel that also adds a bunch of extra bullshit.

Unfortunately it fell into the trap of going for way longer than it should have, the author clearly having no fucking clue where the story is going and cramming a bunch of pointless bullshit into it that leads nowhere and leaves the story incomplete. Then as if it weren’t enough he starts a “sequel” that is supposed