Fartrell Cluggins

The best part of all this? The only reason Antonio Brown does a dance like that is BECAUSE the NFL has dumb rules about celebration. The more you outlaw harmless dancing the more attention you will draw to it when a player does it anyway. Similar to why, on a much smaller scale, outlawing drugs or guns will ultimately

Unironically shake hands! Enjoy the latest record from The Four Freshmen while drinking some Delaware Punch! Compliment your quarterback by saying that his pass was “swell”! But no new lascivious, suggestive dances like The Lindy Hop or The Charleston!

Just have the cameras immediately cut to the owner’s box after every play so a wealthy white guy wearing clownishly large rings can properly modulate the emotions of the viewing audience.

“Drain all what?”

David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jets

Drew actually talked about this at the time. He really is thorough at his job, isn’t he?

Easy: he’s the inventor of the Mason jar. Patron saint of basic white girl DIY weddings. No idea why they named a whole university after him, but I assume their sports uniforms are all made out of burlap.

With Northwestern making the tourney, there will be a 10% increase in sad, dumb basketball fans not getting acceptance letters.


The thread explaining how Lin is more clutch than Isaiah Thomas made me cry.

what? “Give me Brock at $1 million and give me that second-round pick and you can pay him the other $15 million.” Senility is not a pretty sight.

Always happy to set up a better joke. +1

Mostly White Russians.

“Fans Misled; Pop Warner Competition More Challenging Than Initially Thought”

Potential 2017 Jets starter Brock Osweiler.

I like the part where Brown walked back to the bench and didn’t even look at Curry. And also the part where the Warriors lost.

Old habits die hard, I guess. But if the team really wanted this behavior to change, shouldn’t they have named themselves Atlanta Delta?

Rivers is a boy you sexist douchebag. He is not good at catching things yet because he is a toddler, not because he is a girl. If your girl is lagging behind boys at such a young age it’s because you’re not parenting her equally. Fix your shit, she doesn’t deserve to suffer on your behalf.

Funny thing is, the coach didn’t know it was the wrong basket. He was heard yelling, “You don’t come into my lane with that weak sh*t!!!”