Fartrell Cluggins

Or just date someone named “Stacy Smith” who loves windmills. Problem solved!

Lax Bro TOO Lax, Bro

Just saw Barkley on Colbert show and he has no filter, like some guys. Difference is, he’s hilarious. Colbert pointed out an unbuttoned button on his shirt and he told him, “Hey, Stephen... my eyes are up here.” It was dumb and hilarious.

It’s probably LaVar Ball you idiot

I hope the Celtics trade him to Toronto.

See, we’re not racist. Some of our best players are black.

I’m fairly certain the anti-Berman is salad.

Nicely said, SVP.

Too bad about the stupid musical overlay.

(Just some super-dark humor in the face of a terrifying situation! Steve Kerr is very much one of the good guys and I wish him the absolute best.)

Perhaps it’s 3-1 lead poisoning.

Last time a Kizer talked this big, the rest of us got drafted.

You’re 2 weeks pregnant when conception occurs. Science!

Except athletes aren’t making huge sacrifices to get into a lay-up line. They are making huge sacrifices to get legitimately signed and play on the team. This is like being angry at Make-A-Wish because some kid got to suit for a faked set play.

Reminds me of an Onion article where Jared Leto thanks acting for being something easy that everyone can do.

“Don’t we have a test today?”, said the kid to the 5th grade teacher when class was almost over.
Fuck you Chad.

In the ideal world, the revenue generating people would help finance programs that support the other people that don’t make as much money that are valuable to those who participate. But in our reality, if certain people are sucking resources and money from society, what is the justification for continuing to keep

“You’re only down three--dribble it out, moron!”

So his grandpa employs Francesa, and his dad employs Francona. There’s a 133.3 percent chance that Jeff Francouer ends up working for Brody Chernoff some day.

You’re sentence are grammatically flawed; try not to do that when making fun of someone as it makes you looks dumb. That question ain’t anything insightful nor significant either. It was well for his article because he’s writing four kids and they don’t care for post-game analysises. For dat raisin” I can see why the

I’m pretty sure that would immediately result in world peace, the end of homelessness, and the eradication of all cancers, just for starters.