Fartrell Cluggins

Maybe Kuchar won because... he’s a good golfer, not because of the incredible expertise of the local caddy.

No, I’m the guy who offers to do things like design websites or take photos for friends, for free, because I’m an inexperienced amateur trying to build a portfolio to the point where I can reasonably start charging a decent amount of money for those things.

Right? This is like saying that replacement Blackhawks goalie Scott Foster, a 36 year old accountant who pitched a shutout over 14 minutes, should be paid like$10,000 for his time like a full-time goalie would.

Why don’t they” is precisely the issue. Simms, and everyone else beside Romo, seems to not understand in the slightest what is about to happen. Can’t tell you how many times a guy has circled one side of the field - “Watch Julio Jones here!” - and the play goes in a completely different direction. It seems arbitrary.

Directed by Tom Hanks

Retired earlier this year, but yeah, that’s 7 extra seasons with 2 teams.

Regardless of how this looks on paper or how CP3 played in LA, I have a feeling he’ll be a monster in Houston.

Does it count as asking him if they phrased it like “SURELY you don’t want to go back in there, do you?”

:007 Weapons Or Less

Also I’m not sure Marcus Smart has missed a three so far without being put on the free throw line for 3 shots

I pulled a Lebron on this dunk too... got so excited about it I did a jumping fist pump and punched myself in the left kneecap

Does Deadspin have editors? I just assumed everything was written by a bunch of pajama-wearing jabronis in a college dorm somewhere, then posted with no editing, spell checking or thinking twice

I see a whole bunch of Big Babies

Or is a dumb kid worth millions of dollars and gets accused of something he might not have done.

I think the Megalomaniacal Vanity/Pretension award is his for the taking.

Except they wouldn’t root for him. “Love the team, hate the QB” - is that how it goes?

I would argue that listening to silence is better than listening to damn near 100% of Earth’s population speak.

I’m guessing that’s part of the deal. I could be a starting QB, or I could go to Fox, or you can give me the #1 spot. If he’s in demand, he’s going to get a good gig - question is whether he’s good enough to keep the job for long.

You mean like GM of the 49ers?