
-1 no humor sense

There sure is. And you can bet he won’t be paying for her tuition anymore.

Fine, I’ll say what everyone’s thinking: Is there a Mister Koritala?

Losing a double-elimination game on your home court is a pretty brutal way to end a season.

The trick is to injure and cauterize at the same time.

“I don’t immediately jump to molesting her. I wait 10 years. But so we’re clear, I’ve called dibs on that.”

Does it matter? If Romo starts week 8, he’ll be back on IR by week 9.

Walk-off...the field.

Every win that ends with you walking off the field as a result of that play is a walk -off.
Unless you think there should be a specific term for when a home team wins the game on a 9th inning (or later) bases loaded walk... By why would need a term for that?

“I think we’ve lost who we are.”
“Who are you?”
“We’re the Boston Red Sox.”
“[whispers] I think we need to sit Cam out.”

“...and their stupid fans.”

So she’d already taken the Fifth!

Guy hitting .205 in High-A ball is worried about the wrong Mendoza.

I think that guy was also ducking since he wasn’t visible in the first picture:

Totally impartial observer of this game... Beckham needs to obviously find a way to cool it for the good of his team (and for that matter, it would likely also result in his personal performances improving, not being distracted and all). But I thought he had a legitimate gripe and thought the taunting penalty was

I disagree with Kaep. Trump has made no effort to show he’s less racist.

I’m so high right now and I can’t stop laughing at this.

I went to an orthopedic doctor about some knee pain. They prescribed a knee brace, I tried it on, and it felt a little tight. They said it would stretch over time, so I left with it. It didn’t stretch at all, so I went back and exchanged it the next day. Then they sent me a bill for the second knee brace. Another 87

Funny, Adrian Peterson’s son’s face is imprinted on his cleats too.

Breeland is in his third year. Still just a baby corner but not a rookie

Scouts say Reid has great quick-twitch muscle, and Lane is a natural athelete. The scouts are split on Kaepernick, some saying he athletically gifted, some believing he is a student of the game. All agree he was raised a grinder.