
I was once making a meat sauce and adding some pepper when the grinder busted and spilled a lot of peppercorns into the pan. Picked a lot of them out but also bit down on a lot of them while eating this dish for the next 3 days.

I think about this post so often.

That was one hell of a hack lol! Bieber was right to give him a shove but should have left the ice once the guy went in the box

Hood River at the base. Must not be circumcised.

I don’t necessarily see “our will versus their will” as a war metaphor. As a whole, I agree that the best team is more likely to win. On an individual level I do see how the perception of 'outwilling' the opposition could hold true without really lending itself to putting it on the same level as a battle.

I had to scroll to the comments immediately after reading this to make sure this heinous individual was getting disparaged. Thank you.

Canadians would appreciate it being noted that the line wolf is from Boston.

Canadian twitter is friggin outraged with these idiots.

Adam Foote