
You mean when she ran slower than the winner?

So, did they spefically wait until Manning retired, or is this a different issue?

Good for Michael Jordan. Maybe now he will stop crying so much.

So fine coaches for doing something within the rules? On what planet does that make more sense than just changing the rule?


In early 2003 I got back into NBA ball after a long hiatus (I’d spent my childhood watching Bird’s Celtics but fell out of sports fandom in my teen years and into my early twenties). That spring, I saw an ESPN Magazine cover with some dude on it, labeling him the future of basketball. Curious, I picked it up, and read

There is a lot of other interesting stuff in the complaint, like Walters allegedly using “Dallas Cowboys” as the code name for Dean Foods ...

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

I think Holiday was just distracted by that sideline bling.

Can’t stop watching this for some reason.

Oh shit, I bet they’ve never thought to apply basic arithmetic to their advertising practices! You’re a genius!