Marty Graw

When movies about bowling get brought up in discussion, people often reference The Big Lebowski. However, while the film featured some bowling scenes, it was not a bowling movie. In very much the same respect, Top Gear isn't a car show. Rather it is a show the features cars. Class dismissed.

CP on the sole factor of price alone. It is rarely a good idea to buy someone else's project car, but in the case of Volvo V8 swaps and Vanagon Subaru or Zetec swaps, a pass is granted.

Children of the 70s - 80s are the Cadillac buyers of today. If your view of Cadillac is a 1985 Fleetwood Brougham, you've not kept up with the past few years of progress at Caddy. I once said that I'd never buy a Caddy, I retract my previous POV and say, bring on the new CTS-V!

Why hasn't LPG or CNG caught on here in the US? It would be great to have more production vehicles that offer CNG as an option. CNG converted vehicles can often be run on both CNG and pump gas at the flip of a switch. Around town, with easy acces to CNG, that's what I'd use. For long trips, I'd switch back to

The idea of creating fuels from biomass is excellent. There's a company in NC that holds a patent on the effective and efficient conversion of municipal waste into fuel. I'm not sure why it isn't already being used on a mass scale, other than perhaps there may not be enough available waste biomass to make this

Please help me. I grew up in a community that looked down upon domestic cars. While I don't have stats to back up my memories, I recall people in my hometown driving primarily German and Japanese cars, perhaps to the tune of 80%. As such, I spent a good part of my adult life believing that American cars were inferior

Proof that ideas are only as great as their execution. Our family had a 1972 for about 14 years. While it was already years old when I was born, I do remember the car quite well. While it ran until the day we sold it, and assume that it ran past that point, it had its problems. I recall paint issues, with a repaint in

Simple math, you're getting about 5 years per Caravan. At $28k/each, we can assume a residual value of about $9,000 after 60 months. That means you're spending around $3,800/year to drive the cheaper of the two vehicles. From personal experience the Honda may be a better buy for you, despite the cost.

$45k for an

Not to rain on the parade, but Irv has had this engine rebuilt at least twice, according to other articles. I believe the first rebuild was before 700k and the other before 2M. That isn't to take away from the sheer accomplishment of driving that many miles in a single car. He admits to strict maintenance according to

Every tool has a purpose. HDR is a good tool for environments with challenging lighting, as others have pointed out. Often the results, even when subtly processed, can look artificial. As such, it may not be ideal for journalistic work.

An Eye-Fi SD card can be set to send photos directly to an iDevice or to a computer connected to the same network.

The photo has visual elements of HDR, which for those who don't know is done when multiple exposures of different EVs are merged and processed in a program like Photomatix. However, this generally works best when making images of stationery objects. This may have been done by varying the exposure of a single RAW file

There's plenty of market for well-executed V8, RWD cars. There are buyers of just about anything made. The Fisker with a Chevy V8 will have a limited market, particularly at $170k.

Bob Lutz may have a job opening for your forward-thinking. Fisker plus V8 = $170k car that 3 people will buy.

I commend GM for their bold move with bringing the Volt to market. I am impressed with the many improvements they've made to other cars like the 2014 Corvette and the entire Cadillac line. From what I hear from people who own Volts, they absolutely love their cars. I think the Volt was rushed to market and suffers as

While that may sometimes be true, this particular paint job and grill work are representative of a driveway custom paint job. Perhaps little bits of the interior which were previously brushed aluminum are now painted in this same bile green?

This isn't an enthusiast-targeted car anymore than a point and shoot camera is aimed at a serious photography hobbyist. This car will tote commuters and college students, safely, efficiently and without drama to their destinations. That's it and that's all.

Grounded to the ground?

Many cars aren't investments that will yield a positive return. For every restored gem at a Mecum auction that fetches $250k there are countless others that sell for $35k after a $150k nut and bolt restoration.

While labor and parts rates can vary I'll use the Honda 3.5 v6 as the example. Some quick searches show people are paying at a low-end for just the timing belt and labor around $600, it seems that costs are generally north of $1000 due to cost of recommended seals, water pump, etc.