Or on the iPhone, hold down the lowercase “s” and select ß from the pop-up menu.
Agreed. I’m replying and starring my own reply, in hopes of bumping this a little. I’m not usually into auto-starring, but — now that I’ve tried it, it feels kind of okay.
I remember that re-enactment. I was saddened by the deaths of those 3,500 re-enactors, but such was the price that had to be paid for that magnificent event. I respect their dedication and their sacrifice, and I hope that your group get their numbers back up soon, so you can do it again.
And it feels that some Nazi planes are very good planes, and both sides have their share of bad planes.
And he’d eat Nazi chicken from a Nazi KFC with his greasy Nazi fingers.
“The LAFD rescued the pilot, who was trapped, and said there were no other injuries.”
Taxonomically, I believe Trump would be categorized as an obese orange yak with a small fungal growth.
As someone quipped about right-wing criticism of FiveThirtyEight: “Nate Silver is gay. Therefore, math is a lie.”
If the right punched Nazis, that’d be okay.
So cricket is the New Age Music of sports?
“Santiaga”? — a Hispanic Orc Assassination Rogue, no less.
Inscrutable, also.