Marshall Henderson Applewhite

I can’t think of two schools that have damaged their reputations more than Penn St. and UNC. Interestingly, as bad as the scandals were, it was the students and alumni’s response that made them a laughingstock to outsiders. Your brain dead comment is exhibit A. “We don’t care about our education. DURR SPORTS!”

Not fraud?

I’m sure you must all feel very proud that your basketball team got off essentially because it was found that your entire university was revealed to be a fraud and not just it’s athletic department.

I’m not surprised at their miscalculation because of the sheer number of idiots with vested interests speaking out of their asses in this country.

I’m not sure whether you are agreeing with me or disagreeing with me.

You ass.

We were talking about next year once we finish this tankapalooza and get a couple nice draft picks.

Gotta love how many people still think it’s perfectly acceptable to use a term that compares someone being upset to the physical pain a man might feel after being raped by another man. You be you, dude.

Your first mistake was driving in Cambridge. Really just driving here in general.

Kyrie truly doesn’t give one fuck at all.

As a Giants fan I couldn’t be more excited by this. If you can go from a 12 win team that made the playoffs with an aging QB and managed with just one season to bottom out in a QB-heavy draft to get a top 3 pick, you take it.

They’ll probably beat Washington once, because they’re Washington. They could probably win at SF and vs. LA, and maaaaybe at Arizona too.

Man it would be the most jets thing ever to end up having the OTHER New York team tank and get a high draft pick (AND I’M ALL FOR IT!)

They will beat the Rams at home in New Jersey. People need to realize the Rams are not a good football team. They beat the colts and 49ers, and pulled an “any given sunday” on the Cowboys.

“OK, what’s with the five interceptions, you mammoth shit-stick?”

It’s a baby once a woman is forced to carry it to term by religious fundamentalists like yourself, yes. And if you give so many fucks about the fetuses, why is it that the moment the child is born Republicans are OUTRAGED by the concept of helping pay for that child’s medical care and food? The mother already tried to

Ooh, don’t forget the ol’ “Things are bad because we’re still undoing the damage of the last Democratic administration. Pay no mind to the fact that everything was trending upward while that person was in office before nosediving when we took over.”

“Wait, did I say lovely? I meant shitty.”

If you want nice to go Willaimsburg. Flushing kicks ass. Great food, great people, one of the most fun places to spend a day on the cheap in NYC.