Marshall Henderson Applewhite

+1 for any Newsies reference

there was nearly a mass walkout by the players


Reminds me of my favorite saying: “I can’t wait for his generation to fucking die.”

“We can’t have the inmates running the prison,” McNair said.


violence might not be the end-all answer but it’ll sure make you think twice about doing some stupid ass shit.

Considering every push for equality and freedom was paid for in blood, I never really understood the ‘violence is never the answer’ quote.

I dunno violence is sometimes the answer.

If violence isn’t solving your problem, you’re not using enough.

Violance might not work, but violence sure tends to straighten some shit mightily efficiently.

He’s like Russel Westbrook, but without the Russel Westbrook-ness.

i could fucking dunk on knicks-era enes kanter get that the hell out of here

Sarah Huckabee, is that you?

This is some five-star Kinja

Get better eyes. Holy shit.

That kind of finish hasn’t been seen since the Laff-A-Lympics in 1977 when the Dread Baron and Mumbly switched the arrow on the detour sign.

[fastball outside]

You can’t just expect to walk in here

And additionally why was she in a car with the family? Because She had a long time connection with Sergeant Johnson.