Marshall Henderson Applewhite

Panda’s won 3 WS but can’t handle the pressure of regular season Red Sox media. Sure thing, tough guys.

they’re all hypocrites I bet they can’t use the bathroom without bringing their phones either

Isn’t that every game? That guy seems to think that everyone paid to see him referee. I hate Joey Crawford.

What the fuck does this guy need to do to actually be fired? Does he have to pull a Ron Burgundy on air? “Go Fuck yourself San Diego.” Out of all the gasbags on ESPN, he’s the fucking worst.

OnePER Boys

Michael Chabon should be a guest columnist for the finals and call the feature “The Amazing Adventures of the Cavaliers & Klay”.

I think I just burned myself on your take.

JVG is a goddamn national treasure. I hope he never goes back to a job with any team.

You’re right. You don’t know enough about Crawford.

Crawford tried his fucking damnedest to make sure the beginning of that game was ALL about him.

That never stopped anybody.

One of the comments on the AZ newspaper website stated that the heavily government subsidized Coyotes was just capitalism and that complainers such as the mayor and city council should just deal with it. I’m pretty far removed from Adam Smith, but I’m pretty sure a hockey team supported by tens of millions of tax

Yeah, but if she just asked him to “talk about being a pussy-ass bitch” they’d let her into the press conferences.

Context: state Championship game, level 4A. Teams are Huffman Hargrave Falcons (in Black) and Needless Lady Jays (in blue). At the time of the first hit, Needless was up 4-1. That hit tied the game, so the Needless catcher, Megan Crosby (this has been reported on other news sites such as out of Beaumont)

How does the home plate umpire twice miss this? He’s obviously graded out highly as he’s working a Texas championship. Still, his primary function is to see her “touch” home plate. If he watched that, he would pick up both of these hits. While I want to blame the catcher for being a tool, I also need to point out that

How was the third base coach (who was also RIDICULOUSLY in the way) not seething? That’s what was the most surprising to me. The first girl got up and almost looked just a little shocked and then walked back to the dugout. The second looked at least a little upset, but did the same for the most part.

I mean, until

She does move her elbows, which fuck her - but also, obstructing the plate. There’s all sorts of wrong here. All I’m saying is that there were multiple players standing there holding bats, and devil catcher girl didn’t have one. Doesn’t seem the smartest.

Can we get an update on this?! I need to know if there were reprocussions beyond internet shock!

Also, hot damn, is she like, extra dense or something? How does she not move while those girls go flying? Are we sure this isn’t wonderwoman B-Roll or something?

Umpire, what the fuck? Remeniscent of referees being oblivious to Rick Rude bashing Kurt Hennig's opponent with a chair.

Its like a visual representation of the Jezebel comments section.