Marshall Henderson Applewhite


This, right?:

That’s strange you’d bring that up because I’m reading a piece about Tony Kornheiser, but if you want to shoehorn your bitching in here, I guess go for it.

This is a pretty stupid comment, you must realize this, no?

Now playing

Curtis is not going to be happy about this either.

I couldn’t get past #1 in your list, Conan is godawful. Good writer, but awful tv personality.

Ron Dayne.

I approve of this post.

Come on, gimme a break, the second you dropped “As any good lib” I stopped reading. If you want to make a point, make the point, but when you lead in with garbage like that it seems like you’re going with the same-old-same-old OH HO HO ALL YOU LIBTARDS DO __X__ , which is really stupid and waste of everyone’s time,

Pushed the boundaries of the rules? No. They broke a rule. Deflating game balls after they’ve been inspected by the refs? That’s breaking a rule. It’s not difficult to grasp this concept.

Seriously, did you even read this or what? Come on, for crissakes: “a deliberate effort to release air from Patriots game balls after the balls were examined by the referee.”

So it’s basically a tweak of the Governor storyline from Walking Dead?

What did those idiots Mike and Mike say in response to his absurd statements? Anything?

I really hope you’re trolling.

Where the crab legs came from isn’t relevant to it being “funny” or not, I just don’t see how this fits any definition of “funny” at all. Did you really give a little chuckle when you saw this? Oh ho ho, that’s a good one, Jameis! Oy...

Your explanation makes even less sense to me. So you think it’s funny or clever because it’s causing faux outrage or something? From an employer/employee standpoint, re:being drafted #1, it’s just plain stupid.

What also sucks is that it’s pretty much a lock that he’s going to win the fight on Saturday.

“And shoves gold out almost completely.”

So what? It’s still a pretty stupid post considering it’s a reference to the bullshit he pulled in college.

I have to ask how you define “funny” then. I’m not outraged by it or anything, but I have no idea how anyone could find this funny. The first thing he posts after being drafted #1 overall is make a ‘joke’ referencing the time he was caught stealing in college? It’s just stupid and nonsensical, maybe you could call it