Marshall Henderson Applewhite

Did you seriously just use "World Cup" in reference to your earlier sentence wherein you referenced "integrity"? That right there shatters any credibility you may have had.

Did you seriously just use "World Cup" in reference to your earlier sentence wherein you referenced "integrity"? That right there shatters any credibility you may have had.

Is it just me or is the fact that there's an 'obsequious' snuck in this rant what really makes it work for me? Obama A$$ Licking Liberal! obsequious!

+1 for the Barry Hannah mention, and you're spot on!

Would you drink as many drinks on a job interview lunch? No? Then you shouldn't do it during this interview either.

Well at least I come away from this story really disliking Wilson, so now I have that going for me. God setting up the drama? So freaking stupid.

I just love his cadence of 'indicative', it's freaking magical.

Your mother must be really proud of the person you've become. Good job by you.

tired is one thing, but playing an NFL game with just 4 days to recover is absurd. Injury party!

I'm not arguing about statistics, I'm calling bullshit on your stupid handwringing


oh, give it a rest.

Give me a break, such as _______? Give it a rest once in a while.

Wow, Alou, you're really an asshole, huh?

/\ THIS. Wrestling! I mean, come on. No wrestling but there's 3on3 and badminton etc etc. Freaking travesty.

I'm not exactly sure what's happening here but I completely love your comment regardless.

I loved this show as a kid. The cody coyote!

Fair enough, I agree that if he just saw a guy stuff some sweaters in his pants and then just started pummeling him, that would indeed be lame.

You mind explaining what you mean by "bullshit" and "weak journalism"?